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Image Comments posted by philip_hartlieb


    nice shot. maybe think about increasing the f-stop to bring the child etc all into focus. or was she moving? the text on the wall and the distressed sandals make this a special shot for me.
  1. Certainly not the reaction i was looking for but that's where it gets fun. thanks for commenting. i pass by this every day but the residents only recently moved out...i just pretended i was a prospective renter and took a few shots. sorry this brings such an event to mind regardless.
  2. i've recently started experimenting with figurines / toys etc.

    sugarpony and playmobil at fotolog.net orginally sparked my

    interest. im interested in seeing whether or not something that is

    plastic, cold and relatively neutral can illicit the same feelings

    as a live subject if placed in a strong enough context. thoughts and

    ratings welcome. this is 3 of 3

  3. i've recently started experimenting with figurines / toys etc.

    sugarpony and playmobil at fotolog.net orginally sparked my

    interest. im interested in seeing whether or not something that is

    plastic, cold and relatively neutral can illicit the same feelings

    as a live subject if placed in a strong enough context. thoughts and

    ratings welcome. this is 2 of 3

  4. i've recently started experimenting with figurines / toys etc.

    sugarpony and playmobil at fotolog.net orginally sparked my

    interest. im interested in seeing whether or not something that is

    plastic, cold and relatively neutral can illicit the same feelings

    as a live subject if placed in a strong enough context. thoughts and

    ratings welcome. this is 1 of 3

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