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Image Comments posted by chris_conrad

  1. Very cool idea--I like the lack of clarity beyond the branch. However, I think that without the reflection of the branch being sharp too, the blur is too much. It's sort of like the branch is not a strong enough focal point to overcome the blur of the rest of the frame. Great idea regardless. cc

    Bad dog


    Cache (dingo) usually isn't fast enough for Jack-rabbits, but

    yesterday he had his day in the sun. Thanks for your input--sorry

    for the grotesque nature of this image. Velvia, f8.0 cc

    Yosemite Fall

    This is a great Color-B&W conversion. Nice, new perspective on Yosemite. Using a careful selection of the dark sky, you may be able to reduce the "blotching" with the Gaussian Blur filter. cc

    Reflecting Grass


    This image was made while waiting for sunrise the other day at

    Arches National Park. My Pentax 67 was set-up to shoot Courthouse

    Towers, I shot this with Kodak CN400 film (35mm). Cropped and toned

    with PS. Your comments appreciated. cc

  2. Love the crop on this--I'm guessing you used a pretty long lens. Nice job. I was out there in July, but I didn't post any of my shots 'til now. One of my shots is in my "Landscape" folder if you'd like to see it. Yours probably looks great up on the wall. cc

    Brighter Days


    Your input is most welcome--I wish I could have composed this

    without the 2 buildings overlapping. However, my shadow kept

    interfering, plus there was lots of junk in the way.... This was

    the best of the shots before I ran out. cc

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