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Everything posted by bnyc

  1. That worked, but I will say that the upload took long enough that I thought it might be stuck in an endless loop like you described. This is not a conclusively experiment, however - I'm using an iPhone SE and Safari, so can't rule out a Chrome/Android issue.
  2. I generally use photo.net on the desktop, but I'm all about bug replication so I'm going to try and post a photo here from my phone...
  3. Happy Phriday everyone! This week I spotted some former cartoon celebrities languishing in the toy bin at a closeout store... I'm sure there's some profound comment to make about this, but I just thought it was an amusing photo.
  4. Happy Phriday everyone! Winter is back, but I'm not complaining... though it would be nice if this fireplace were actually doing its job right now, rather than just sitting there posing for photos.
  5. A happy spring winter phriday to everyone! Here is New York City Hall Park on a beautiful February day... (Taken with iPhone SE, in HDR mode)
  6. Happy Phriday everyone! Let's kick off the long weekend right... by sharing some photos we snapped with our pocket supercomputers! This photo was taken about 2 seconds after my dog courageously chased away some very threatening pigeons from our window sill. He knows the threat isn't over and remains vigilant. Such a brave little boy.
  7. Photo.net 2.0 take 2? So far so good... let's hope this time it sticks! As for photos... a big sugar maple taking its winter nap.
  8. <p>Happy Phriday everyone! I hope you all enjoy America's most important holiday this weekend. :)</p> <p>Spotted in a New York building: the rare Euro-style floor numbering system!</p><div></div>
  9. <p>Happy Phriday everyone! I walk by this scene most days but it happened to catch my eye this week. It's amazing what the brain can learn to ignore... I should have crossed the street to frame out the buildings on the right side, but like any good New Yorker I was in too much of a hurry. :)</p><div></div>
  10. <p>Good morning and happy Phriday everyone! Yet another NYC sunset, but mixed it up with B&W this time.</p><div></div>
  11. <p>Is this the phirst Phriday the 13th? I think it might be...</p> <p>I've started to experiment a bit with using slo-mo video to capture action photos. So far the results are... not great. :) But I think it might be a useful technique if I can work out the particulars. One key thing I've learned already: get much, much closer to the subject. The resolution of a video frame is already pretty low, and if you have to crop (like I did here) you can forget having any kind of sharpness in the end product, even for small-screen viewing.</p><div></div>
  12. <p>Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all got awesome new cameras (i.e. phones!) for Christmas.<br> Today's pic is of a small dog in the big city. Think he's trying to send me a message about going out?</p><div></div>
  13. <p>Andy, the ironic thing about that construction photo is that the new building that will block your niece's view will have its <em>own</em> southern view blocked not long after it's completed! The low building just south of it is due to be razed and rebuilt into a quite massive new development.<br> Also I can see that crane from my own apartment, and presumably the building too once it gets a little taller. New York - the biggest small town in the world. :)</p>
  14. <p>Happy Phriday-before-New-Year's-Eve everyone! This week I caught a Boxing Day rainbow with my trusty phone. Man, these little things sure are handy.</p><div></div>
  15. <p>Happy Phriday everybody! I caught my dog not howling, but at least <em>looking</em> at the early morning moon. Or just looking outside. Whatever - as far as I'm concerned he's looking at the moon.</p><div></div>
  16. <p>Edwin: yes, there looks like there could be something really awesome there with the right setup. Already it's pretty damn cool.</p> <p>Norman: what kind of phone/filtering was that done with? It really captures the feeling of B&W film.</p> <p>Gup: I'm a sucker for sunsets, beaches and dogs. Awesome. :)</p>
  17. <p>Happy Phriday everyone! Amusing (to me) sticker spotted in the wild...</p><div></div>
  18. <p>Happy Phriday once again!</p><div></div>
  19. <p>Happy Phriday-after-Thanksgiving! We got our first snow of the season in New York last week...</p><div></div>
  20. <p>Wow. Those are three striking images. The aerial shot is pretty amazing... none of my photos out of plane windows ever come out so clear!</p>
  21. <p>Happy Phriday everyone! Here is a photo of Zuul's arrival in Manhattan last week. Fortunately the Ghostbusters got things under control and we're all going to be okay.</p><div></div>
  22. <p>Happy Phriday everyone! Last weekend I encountered this bizarre scene in the woods...</p><div></div>
  23. <p>Happy Phriday everyone!<br> Shhh, don't tell the Port Authority I took this... and I didn't even need a tripod!<br> (context: <a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JonathanRockway/posts/DJV3U7e8enh">https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JonathanRockway/posts/DJV3U7e8enh</a>)</p><div></div>
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