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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by bnyc

  1. Happy Phriday everyone! This is an alley spotted while walking in Boston...
  2. Happy Phriday everyone! Placeholder for now while I'm away from my PC... photo coming later!
  3. Happy Phriday everyone! Some almost-but-not-quite-ripe peaches...
  4. Happy Phriday, everyone!! The kids are growing up...
  5. Happy Phriday everyone! Spotted on the streets of NYC - nothing says "high quality wine" like an ad on the side of a payphone.
  6. Happy Phriday everyone! It occurred to me that there aren't a lot of food photos in this space, even though that's one a really common thing for people to do with their phone... So here's some food. :)
  7. I think the last line reads: "It fuels you while you cherish your second cup." Took me a while, and I had to guess some letters from context rather than actually reading them. :)
  8. Happy Phriday everyone! Here's an unwelcome visitor on an apple tree leaf... the phone's no substitute for a macro lens, but it does ok considering.
  9. Happy Phriday everyone! Some roses from the International Rose Test Garden in Washington Park, Portland OR...
  10. Happy Phriday! Here are the casualties of thinning out our fruit trees last weekend...
  11. Happy Phriday everyone! Now that summer is officially here I'm counting down the days until fall, when this little baby (and all its siblings) will be full-grown and ready to eat. :)
  12. It's Phriday, everyone! Spotted some early season blueberries just starting to get a hint of color last weekend...
  13. Happy Phriday everybody! Another photo from Thailand... spicy papaya salad with a pickled crab (yum).
  14. Happy Phriday everyone! It's good to be back... It was an interesting trip in the context of this forum, as I had my Sony A7 with me at all times but took the vast majority of my photos with my phone. Partly that's about the instant gratification of immediately sharing with friends and family, but also partly about being pretty happy with the results I'm able to get with the phone camera in most contexts. Anyway, here are some watermelons from a market in Bangkok. :)
  15. FYI I'll be overseas for the next two Fridays with spotty internet access and no computer... if I can figure out how to upload a resized image straight from my phone I may post, but assume that someone else will have to get the Phone Phriday thread going. :)
  16. Happy Phriday everyone! Spotted in NYC: a gutted cathedral undergoing major rehab work.
  17. Dang! I didn't know chipmunks were so amenable to bribery... that is awesomely done.
  18. Happy Phriday everyone! I'm a sucker for scruffy little mutts.
  19. Nothing from me yet, but let's get this started anyway! Happy Phriday everyone!
  20. Happy Phriday everyone! I'm not normally a street photographer but for some reason I was compelled to snap this. I think he might be doing it wrong. :)
  21. Happy Phriday everyone! I'm a little late getting this going, but I'm sure that just means everyone has that much more to share! I just noticed this new building, and I can't figure out if the crazy blue color is a wrapping that will come down after construction, or if that's really the color they went with. Seems... bold.
  22. Happy Phriday everyone! This week I demonstrate conclusively that phone cameras are not useful for wildlife photography... I was stopped in my tracks by these four hawks circling at low altitude looking for critters on a gloomy day, and the photo evidence suggests that you just had to be there. :)
  23. Damn, that is impressive. I'd never suspect you took that picture with a phone.
  24. It's everyone's favorite day, Phone Phriday! I'm strangely fascinated by subway repairs and the equipment the MTA rolls out for them. I happened to catch some work at 34th Street last weekend, but couldn't quite catch the impression of the scene. A wider-angle lens would have been nice. Alas - when all you have is your phone, you use your phone. :)
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