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John Crowe

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Image Comments posted by John Crowe

    Window man.

    I would not crop, you need to get a feeling of the space you are in. Wonderful! I have tried these "window" shots but never with results like this!
  1. Excellent composition, light, and texture. Should we see the bottom of the arched entrance frame, hence, the floor leading to the stairs? Where the stairs lead is a mystery but perhaps where they start should not be.

    Elora Gorge Falls

    A very vibrant idea! I have photographed here in the summer a few (more like many) years ago. I had not thought of the winter possibilities here. This winter especially must be beautiful with all the ice and snow. Perhaps the early spring thaw before the ice is completely gone would also be incredible. I would like to see the unaltered version. Keep up the good work!


    This is where digital "photography" disappoints me! A hundred years ago artists had a problem with photography (still do) and now photographers have a similar problem with "digitography" (Hey, I think this word belongs to me!) This goes beyond dodging and burning! Perhaps I would comment on the composition on a digitography site.


    We are in accord with each other on the tight framing issue. Other than that, wonderful. The white elements in the foreground and background playing off of each other!
  2. This is a wonderful image! I doubt the necessity of the polarizer, as I always do. The polarizer takes detail out of the shadows, and caused your vignette. The road in the frame tends to take you out of the image, but there is too much to simply crop out. I think the people are too inconsequential to the scale of this photograph and could have been excluded (asked to leave??) Surely, I gest! The green mountain side, the white "puffy" clouds (as I endearingly call them) and the clear blue sky are what make this photo stand out.


    Spectacular is an appropriate choice of words! Bizarre lighting - fantastic moment. Good composition, maybe a tiny bit more mountain, and a tiny less foreground water.
  3. I agree with the loss of detail. I think more of the foreground rocks should be included. Rocks 1 and 2 in the bottom right should be fully included to help lead the eye into the frame and towards the background.
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