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John Crowe

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Image Comments posted by John Crowe

  1. This is a nicely composed image! In my opinion this is where a slower speed film would be a great improvement over the 400 speed films. The colour and texture of the castle and the foreground trees would be greatly enriched. I see you have some very good equipment but are tending to the faster films. I know 100 ISO film can not be used for all situations with all of your lenses but it is much better than 200 ISO even at 4" x 6" and far superior to 400 ISO. Try it when you can. Well done!

    Delicate Arch


    This is an awesome photograph and much of your work is wonderful. You have an obvious love of, and dedication to, this land.


    When someone of your talent notes a photograph as being manipulated, please explain briefly how and why so that we may understand the process.



  2. I do not know what you did to manipulate this and I do not usually comment on manipulated photographs, but I can't resist this one. I think this is a phenomenal image waiting to happen. If you live in this area see if you can photograph it will a completely blue sky with no clouds whatsoever. Your geometric composition is excellent with the central cable perfectly vertical. A deep blue sky will contrast these lines and balance the blue/green glass. Living in Ontario I know that your best day for absolutely clear blue sky may be on a frightfully cold day in January! Maybe you will be luckier sooner! Good luck, keep up the good work!
  3. Beautiful shades of green and softened water. I doubt the polarizer was necessary. The two filters are working to remove detail and soften the image too much. The Elite chrome is not particularly "elite" either. I know many people do not like Velvia but I think it would have helped here - would have helped soften the water, reduce need for polarizer, punch green even more.

    Sounds like I am "slamming" it but I love the image and the composition. Well done!

  4. You have taken a complicated subject and structured the composition to highlight its repetitive pattern. The other photos of this subject were too simplified and lacked interest for the eye. I would like to see what a larger format B&W film would have done with this. Very good!!!
  5. This photograph is so awkward and so wonderful at the same time. To try what would usually be good suggestions above may actually take away from the oddness of this "real life" photo. Everything is cut in pieces from the chair, to the portrait, to the radio, to the man, to the reflection in the mirror, to the column on the left and to the light fixture above. It is as if the image is somehow a reflection on the man's life. Perhaps breaking all the rules at once is a wonderful thing!


    P.S. I have looked at your zillions of photos and this one to me is quite unique and stands out head and shoulders above the rest! Keep looking for these unique and very simple situations, which are much more open to interpretation!

    Yellow and blue

    Makes me feel like I want to be in the greenhouse! Nice composition. The glowing greenhouse would be an even stronger element if it was also framed on the left by a snow covered tree. Excellent photograph.


    You have removed too much contrast somehow. White should be whiter, black should be blacker. Subject is very interesting and composition is good. Might have been nice if possible to show all of the mushroom topped column at the bottom of the rail, in the top left corner.


    This is a very complicated subject that needs to be simplified. There is so much motion in this photo that it needs to be more organized. The arch should go straight across the frame from side to side. The 4 red ceiling coffers should be parallel to the top of the image frame and the bottom ceiling should be parallel with the image frame like it is. This would be a complicated composition to arrive at but it would allow you to focus on the details rather than the "dizzy" aspect. You have a good eye to have spotted this view! Lighting is excellent!
  6. The archway we are directly facing on the right should not be right up against the image frame. We should see a portion of the wall to allow the arch to establish itself in the photo more completely. I agree that the bottom of the left post should not be cut off for a similar reason. Nice photograph!
  7. The stairs are wonderful - opposing curves, opposing steps. Wonderful texture! Composition may need improving. The door? on the right interferes, but if you crop it you cut the door frame in the background which does not help. I would like to see more of the landing to the left but perhaps there is something in the way? Beautiful subject but difficult to compose. You have a good eye!

    Roaring Fork Stream


    This is the best one of these. Beautiful! I would crop the top to a point at the base of the tall tree in the top right corner, which places the large rock in the top left of the new crop. The bottom must stay! The contrast of leaves to moss is wonderful and it echoes what is happening all around the waters edge except its a close-up, detailed view.


    Exceptional! Nice eye!


    P.S. So refreshing to see real film, and not manipulated - congratulations!

  8. Very nice! Film probably would have enriched sky. Not sure if the building to far left needs to be included. Three contasting elements may be enough, and that would also remove the telephone pole which is a distraction. Well done!

    Coastal Flowers

    Brilliantly coloured first image! I suggest cropping the left hand side of the photograph to keep the main subject centred. I would like to have seen the photograph taken without the flower "pistils" (is that the correct word?) "touching" the bottom of the frame. The glory of digital is the ability to experiment with composition endlessly (as long as you have a computer near by!) Keep up the good work!
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