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Posts posted by walter_strong3

  1. Amen, Scott. This digital vs film thing is going to go on for awhile I'm sure. Fifty years from now some old codger is going to be heard saying, "You young whippersnappers have never seen a decent 8X10 until you see one made from a Kodacrhome 64 slide on Cibachrome"!! As for myself, I just can't see sitting down at the computer and printing the 100 or so photos I'll want from the 250+ exposures I'll be making in Russia starting in about three weeks. What I CAN see is culling out those "not so good" images (prints) and sticking the rest into an album and then scanning the two dozen or so prints I really like and storing them on my hard drive. On the other hand, if I were a travel photographer up against a deadline it'd sure be nice to download my images from the camera each day and e-mail them to my editor. Its really a matter of what your needs are and each of us has to make a subjective decision about that.
  2. The EOS 3, mine included, had/has meter problems. You may have to use a hand held meter to "calibrate" your camera's meter and then use one of the special functions to set the meter so it'll work accurately. Fergzample, when I use my hand held meter to read the light reflected off my back patio concrete I find that the camera wants to underexpose that subject by about 2.5 F stops. SO, I have to set the film ISO using a special function to make the camera's meter give me a proper exposure. Its easier to do than to explain.
  3. My new Hakuba tripod arrived today and first impressions are strongly

    positive. It comes equipped with fiber carbon legs that have the top

    section covered in soft foam, making them easy to grip. The fit and

    finish looks very good and it spreads WAY out for macro work. It

    does not have a ball head but until that becomes a real problem I'm

    going to stick with the pan head. There are no spike feet but worse

    things have been known to happen. I guess the next thing is to get a

    rail focusing setup for the macro stuff, if you know of a good unit

    please post here.

  4. Misty, I've been in photography all my life (60 in April) and now posess an EOS 3 and several lenses. There are guys out there who can shoot circles around me with a P&S! If you're just starting out take the freebie and spend the money on film and processing. Having a fancy schmancy camera WON'T make you a better photographer.
  5. I watch my gear like an old mother hen guarding her chicks from the time I leave the house right up to the time I go back through the door. I don't care if I'm going down the street or making a trip to China. Watch it like a hawk where ever you are and, unless you are too old and feeble, be prepared to throw punches to keep it! That's about all you can do except insuring it until your bank account bleeds!
  6. Am I the only one around here who thinks Canon needs it collective butt kicked for putting out expensive equipment before all the bugs have been worked out? Did they NOT do a COMPLETE test of this camera before foisting it upon the public? My EOS 3 never did make an accurate exposure using any automated exposure mode and to this day I use it in Manual with a hand held meter! Hell, I've got the money in the bank for the 10D but with the kind of problems I continously see reported about this item I'd just as soon spend the money on a nice WA zoom. HA! It looks like Canon is going to get my money either way!
  7. We need more information about your needs. Do you require high mobility, or will the bag mostly sit in the back of your car as you work out of it? My wife recently bought me a Tamrac backpack with wheels and a pull-up handle that is a jim dandy item (at least for the way I use a bag). I forget the modle designation but at least Tamrac and Lowepro make these kinds of bags. It also is sized for carry-on luggage so it ain't getting tossed around by the baggage handlers at the airport. Think through how you use a camera bag and then make a decision based on that. You can probably order catalogues from all the major camera bag manufacturers off the I-net.
  8. I have the Canon 550 ETTL flash and I'm thinking about adding the

    420 and the ST-E2 transmitter. My question is about where to mount

    the transmitter. I'm assuming one leaves the 550 on the camera and

    the 420 would be held off camera someplace but then the transmitter

    has to be mounted somewhere (it has a hot shoe). Am I worrying about

    something that has an obvious solution here or what?

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