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Posts posted by walter_strong3

  1. I was in China in '99 and again in '00 and my experience was pretty much as David found it. Only on occasion was there some restriction on photography and that usually fell into the areas of flash in museums or photography of holy places. They are really open about it. There was supposed to be no photography in the museum of the Terra Cotta Soldiers at Xian but the guards only smiled! I found that people, in general, were not camera shy in the big cities but were a bit more so in smaller towns. Use your good judgement, and have a really nice trip. I'm sure you'll be glad you visited China.<div>0062zt-14540084.jpg.f958b73760b14cd35d7b67f241db02c1.jpg</div>
  2. I guess some clarification is in order here. "Downright zippy" was a phrase that came into common usage back in the 1920's when ace swimmer Zippy Speedwater swam underwater in an Olympic sized pool filled with pilsner beer and broke the world record for whatever distance he was challenging (it escapes my mind at the moment).

    The phrase "pokey as the dickens" came into popular usage many

    decades earlier when it was revealed in the Times of London that Charles Dickens suffered from a bad case of phlebitus in his right leg and could not walk at all quickly. There, I hope that helps to clarify my comments. Let me know if there is anything else you need in this regard.

  3. I'm not at all happy using variable F/stop lenses because I shoot in manual mode using a handheld meter most of the time. I've got the 300mm F/4 and love it. I've shot photos in a Chinese theater hand-held at 1/30th and got usesable images. On top of that, my mind is beginning to swing back to the favor of primes. There is just a lot of subjective decision making that goes into these decisions.
  4. I'm certain this has been discussed here before but trying to find

    the answer using the Google search is a exercise in frustration.

    Sometimes when I turn my EOS 3 up to shoot a vertical the display

    panel will read "EYE" and the shutter will not fire. What's the

    problem here? I know it has to do with eye control calibration but

    the instruction manual does not go into much depth on this topic.

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