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Posts posted by walter_strong3

  1. I've gotten a lot of use out of Photo.Net and I've come to feel that

    I should pony up and help pay the bills. However, first I want to

    get past this business of having to register everytime (almost) that

    I post a message in a forum. Are other people having this problem?

    I always check the "remember" box but to no avail. C'mon, somebody,

    my check book is HOT!!

  2. Remember this about variable F/stop lenses. If you are shooting transparency film in manual mode you have to be VERY careful when you zoom because the F/stop is changing and that'll throw your exposure off enough to be noticed. If you are shooting in an automatic mode then its not a problem. Having said that, I've got the 300 and its just a jim-dandy lens.
  3. If you want to look like a local you can find a heavy plastic shopping bag and just pile everything into it. You don't appear to be packing a lot of gear and the camera will most likely be hanging from around your neck. You'll save money on the expensive bag and have more cash to buy film (or beer).
  4. I'm beginning to cuss the day I ever bought a Canon EOS 3. Along

    with the fact that it never did make a proper exposure in any

    automatic mode, it now will not focus nor will the shutter release in

    manual mode!! Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Has anybody else had

    the latter problem with an EOS 3? I JUST changed the battery so

    that's not the problem. If so, let me know right away before I use

    it to remove the concrete in my back yard!

  5. My sweet wife, clever girl that she is, figured out that I need a new

    camera bag. So, for my birthday, she got me a Tamrac 697 complete

    with roller wheels and an extender handle, just the item for carry-on

    luggage. I already had a nice Tamrac shoulder bag but MAN that

    sucker got to be heavy and now all I gotta do is just roll my gear

    around. Life just got better!

  6. I think it depends on what kind of photography you do. I bought the EOS 3 because I thought that'd be just the cat's meow. Not only do I not use it but I then learned that the built-in meter was a piece of crap. Canon does some things really well and completely falls on it's face in other areas. That's life.
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