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Image Comments posted by jamesmorophotography

  1. the shine's not really a problem, although i think he's referring more to the lack of makeup on her left cheek. you've done a great done w/ this low key technique. only, you definitely want to get ride of the shadow on your background. it's fighting for attention.

    cover #6




    your work is outstanding! i'm very impressed. did you use any kind of light modifier on the flash? softbox? what size?

    I"ve always wandered you people take this shots w/ water splashed on the model w/o ruining their backdrops. was this shot against a white wall?


    again, your work amazes me. was this an editorial shot, or just you working on your portfolio?



    Very creative justin. excellent lighting, although I'm not sure I like the wood floor. I think this would work better if she's laying on a bed, or maybe some metallic sheen sheets (maybe blue to match her underwear. you can pick up some very nice material at joan fabrics. the way it catches light is breath-taking. check it out.


    great work btw =)

  2. great shot for your first try!


    the energy and emotion you capture here work very well. I'd try this shot at different angles, maybe a tad closer. and use the landscape to frame the shot more as well.


    i'd like to see more negative space on the top of this shot. the model's expression definitely isn't the best capture of her looks. I think she'd look better if you zoomed out a bit and shot his pose with her in profile. reveal the sunset and beach more too.
  3. Hmm... Looks like she's pleading for her childhood & youthful vitality back; her weary eyes belie her age, and convey the image of a precocious girl that's experienced life well beyond her years--either through hard work or a hard life. If this was your intention: great! If not, I suggest a more lighthearted pose, and softer lighting. Make the photo more intimate and bring us closer to the little girl.



    great capture! this is definitely not an easy shot to get. good framing too, w/ the diagonal of the water/snow and the duck's upward motion/body position.


    just curious: what manipulations did you do to this?



    nice. intimate & sensual. not simply about her body. her eyes & the expression on her face really help to balance this out.


    did you use a softbox for this? or bounce flash from above?





    I don't have time to discuss all of your work, but let it suffice that I think your vision is simply stunning.


    you have a way of looking at things that reveals such deeply emotional, frail souls.

    I see in your work the struggle of man and woman to resist the throes of despair and to embrace the heights of passion. your 'sight' is astounding. no bs, just what I see in your work.



  4. well, this photo definitely doesn't look like it was taken in a zoo. I'd swear this shot was taken underwater, spying on the animal/creature from the shadows of the rocks.


    the patterning of fauna and the lighting at the top looks like what you might see with a layer of seaweed floating on the ocean's surface, with the long sinuous roots extending downward.

  5. just noticed this more recent version.


    everything is great, except that I really think you need to blend his head with the rest of the theme. it seems a little too soft, and inconsistent with the harsh, rugged texture found in the rest of the composite. also, his neck seems like it's a foot long (not sure if that was your intent). try shortening his neck a bit, or making it wider.


    I don't think you need to highlight his face in this one. just blend it like the rest of the background (and your other portrair)--scars, scratches and all.

    "Brave Ulysses"


    your composites are becoming better every time I see them--watch out, you might stumble upon one of your digital compositions in those museums you're always frequenting! ;o)



    as for my critique of this photo, the textures definitiely add ancient feel to the work, but I think you need something--some symbol, maybe a small scene worked into the background--that represents Ulysse.


    beautiful work, Jim.



    oooh I wish I had your gear ;)


    the color scheme is excellent. but I'd get rid of the smoke effect and just blow out the highlights, or just leave it w/out the smoke effect.


    beautiful eyes.

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