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Image Comments posted by jamesmorophotography

  1. simply incredible. it looks as though you've found the vein of life into this ocean. such tonal richness and DOF. The platinum color of this photo is so perfect. I work primarily with digital cameras, and my E-10 doesn't produce an in camera b&W image. do you know if there's any way to attain this platinum b&W appearance in photoshop?



    if you have the time, please email me @moroj@Kenyon.edu.


    thanks! :)


  2. great tonal range. I think the reflection on the water adds a surreal, almost portal-like break in the clouds. The edges of the photo are a little underexposed, but you be able to work on that in photoshop. I wonder what a closer version would look like.


    nice shot.

  3. the initial ambiguity to this photo adds great mystery and keeps you wondering for a little while (at first, I thought this was an aerial shot). I really like how the house is literally encrusted in snow--must've been a crazy snow storm.
  4. demure......she shouldn't be--she's beautiful :)


    her mysterious eyes are what draws me into this photo, and the highlights created by the natural light work greatly in emphasizing her expression.



    wow! I think you've succeeded on a grand scale in capturing the essence of "puppy".


    your work reflects a gifted eye & great experience (or are you just that good ;o)


    nice work man





    you have to tell me how you made the reflection (I'm not familiar w/ displacement mapping), but this technique seems to have so much potential.

    if you have time, and want to share some of your secrets w/ a beginner, email me : moroj@kenyon.edu




    make sure you click the "unmanipulated" box in the options for this photo, b/c it does seem a little unreal.

    but i'll take your word for it. it must have been breathtaking to witness such a sunset.

  5. he has enchanting eyes. they definitely don't look like those of a child. what kind of spirit is inside this little boy ;o)


    the subject of your photo is outstanding, and his pose is just as great. however, the main problem that I see in this photo is that the other boy detracts from it. if you're skiled enough in photoshop, you might be able to get away with cloning the other boy out and cropping the photo at the boy's shoulder. also, the photo is a little out of focus; I'm not sure how far you could go w/ sharpening the image before the quality deteriortes, but it's worth a shot.

  6. personally, this photo seems erotic. it looks like you've place a flower in the crotch of a woman--or not. but this is just what comes to mind. try this in b&W to make it more dramatic, or maybe just make the stone b&w. oh, and see if you can use the healing brush to fix up the brown part of the flower.



    ha! very creative idea. I wonder what this would look like in color. also, I think the shadow from the curtain distractrs from the surrealism of this photo. if you can remove the shadow, the curtain should give a sky effect.


  7. I find the garbage can near the far right statue to be a distraction from you composition. Try cloning it out. and maybe also the pole-like ojbect in the center. your selective color is very well done, and the statues add a strange, mysterious quality to the photo. just remove the distracting objects to further emphasize the key objects.
  8. there seems to be a white object in the far right. crop that out and go from there. maybe try selectively desaturating the child or the leaves, or posting the color version as well. I like the shot and the innocence of the girl.

    nice work for your first posting on photo.net.

    welcome to the community :o)

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