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Image Comments posted by nickolay_lavrik

  1. Some technical details: the shot was made early evening in twilight. Digital adjustment of color and tone was used to compensate very diffused ligthing and low color saturation of the NPH film. The sky is entirely digital.


    I agree that the position of the house in the foreground is somewhat disbalancing as it breaks the "rule of 1/3".



    Very nice and funny moment captured. The bird seemed to start loosing the balance as it approached the edge trying to see the reflection ;-)) What happened next?

    Lights in fog


    This image was obtained from a scan of a 4x6 print printed by a consumer level Kodak lab. The print was a bit off in terms of tone (it looked overly light). I had to apply some tone curve and color adjustment after scanning the print in order to restore what I remember seeing that evening. Could I have ended up with slight oversaturation?



    Thanks for all your comments and ratings.



    Wow! or Left alone


    Thank you for all the constructive comments. Most of them open my eyes at important things that I tend to overlook at the time of creating my images. Different opinions highlight different facets of this photo. This kind of feedback is very valuable for me.


    Going nuts


    I appreciate your comments but would like to point out that only two "tricks" (they are by no means filters) were used to create this image:

    (1) Inserted leaves (I agree that there is some redundancy in them - see my comments above);

    (2) Some strokes with a "smear" tool applied to the background and some of the nuts.




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