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Image Comments posted by wenger

    Little GI

    Wow, what foreshadowing! I'm guessing you were/are also in the military. I'm not big on doing PS work, but this begs to have a modern day shot of him in his uniform standing next to the old him in the same pose! (Make sure you match the lighting)
  1. Great texture! It is made more interesting by the subtle change in tones and then all pulled together by the pin-sharp shaddow.


    It's funny to think of all the small beautiful things that happen every day (sometimes for only moments) and go un-noticed. How many fewer end up getting photographed? Great job at taking advantage of the moment.


    I like that your shoulders are at the edge of the lake. Maybe if they followed the edge a little more closely, but that's just being picky. Nice image.


    Funny, this almost has a father/son or mother/daughter feel to it. But then you think about how nothing could be further from the truth as both ripened at the same time, and both are not even the same variety. As said before, this is a refreshing tomato picture. I wonder if the smaller one couldn't have been cut to have the dual seed pockets like the large one?


    I also think the reflections of the people add to the story, but I think I would prefer the shot without them (I'm not suggesting you go at this with PS). If they were gone I think it wuold look more like he were looking out at the ever-expansive sea. So much more could be then read into what the boy is thinking and the potential future interaction between the boy and the sea. Either way, I like this a lot. Something in the boys pose speaks volumes.

    Bath Time

    John - I agree, the watering can is my personal biggest critcism with this work (believe it or not, none of this photo was staged). Despite the can, while it is not one of my most popular, it is one of my favorite... even after disregarding the subject. (I need a better scan, which should fix the focus)

    Blizzard 2003


    Well for those who don't think there is enough contrast I've attached a reworked image. I went back into the darkroom and threw on a high contrast filter and gave it a long exposure.


    Personally, I like the first one. I think it has mystery, and more fully represents the strength of the storm. If you look at the large version you can see all of the snowflakes that are "blurring" the image.


    I'd be intersted in hearing which image others like. (The new one also is slightly re-composed)


    Blizzard 2003 (2)


    Paulo- I agree. Personally I think it's a nice image on its own, but I've seen some shots by others (like these by Ilona Wellmann) where there are beautiful images both with and without a body. With these I find myself more drawn in by the ones with a person.


    I actually considered hitting the self timer and trudging up a piece. It was snowing so hard though that I was affraid to take the camera outside long enough to set it up on a tripod and take the shot. This was actually taken from inside the car... where it was warmer also.


    Next big snowstorm I'll need to dig up a human somewhere...

    The Cat from Hell

    I disagree with the above comment. A shot with more eyes would deminish the abstract qualities of this shot and draw it closer to the huge array of average pet photos. Nice shot with excellent lighting.

    Lazy Lions

    Nice tones and shapes. I like that you've omitted most of the heads. If the last head were not there I'd be struggling for a while trying to figure out what I was looking at. Nice shot!
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