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Image Comments posted by wenger

  1. I think the background is a little too cluttered, but the girl herself says so much. The little smile that is contrary to the sign she is holding and shows she is unaware of the gravity of the situation. It just makes it all the more obvious that she is a pawn of her parent's agenda. A point which is even more exemplified by the tether on her wrist. A shallower depth of field may have helped.
  2. Cute, but a little too busy. What if you moved the man to about the middle between the 2 womens hands and put the woman just to the right (viewer's right) of him holding his hand and eliminate the girl (for simplicity sake). You will probably need to shift the camera to the right a little also. This all may give these fake humans a more "real" appearance and make the photo less busy.
  3. This is nice, but I think it could be better. First, it seems a bit blurry. Sharper focus on the wind screens would be better. I would suggest cropping to get rid of the 2 screens in the bottom right, but then you would lose too much of the cool curves. Can you retake the photo at an angle to eliminate these, but retain the curves?
  4. I like the way this tells a story and yet leaves a lot to the imagination. I do wish the white cup wasn't there, but what were you going to do - ask them to hold on while you moved the cup? Nice work.


    Rating 6/5 based on this being an advertising picture for this particular product and not an "art" photo. Maybe a little less light on the logo. I like the way it shines, but this is maybe too much.



    Josep - I agree that this too is a bit grey. Is this lack of full contrast noticable on the negatives or just on the prints?? Are you developing yourself?


    Also I have another cropping/angle of attack idea. Would you be able to take about 5 steps to the right and take the shot with only 1/2 of the dead tree? I like the look of the dead tree very much, but I am not that crazy about the evergreen. I suggest taking the 5 steps before taking the shot to keep the "V" of the valley in close to the center of the picture.

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