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Image Comments posted by wenger

  1. Fun shot! If you could get a similar shot with another intersting background instead of the computer I think it would serve this subject well. Alternatively a wider aperature to blur the screen would be good also.
  2. This is a great shot that tells a story. Apparently the story it tells is far different from the truth, but that doens't make it any less of a wonderful picture. I would eliminate your description as to that actual source of his angst and let everyone write their own story line in their minds. Congratulations on pissing off your husband... the result was superb!



    Wow, what a setup!! No wonder my results with these experiments suck. I'm guessing it's also nice working with digital and not burning a roll of film, waiting a few days to see the results, of course spending the $$$, and then needing to make the alterations in your setup.


    This is an excellent shot!! If there were anything I may change, it is eliminating the texture in the background, but I may be alone in this.

    Manus Dei


    Cool, thought provoking picture. Though brought up Christian I can't say I'm a very religious person, however, I got the religious context immediately.


    Aside from the religion, can you believe people were tortured and left to die this way?? Like I said... thought provoking.

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