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Image Comments posted by jimmcnitt

    Day Dreaming


    Hi Jerry:


    I see a lot of unrealized potential in the scene.


    So, I did a two-minute makeover in PS. Adjusted the curves, selectively dodged and burned, and desaturated some of the brighter greens. See what you think. --jim

  1. Hi Paula:


    I don't know whether I should admit it or not... but I actually attended an Aha performance in Radio City back in the days of "Take on Me." Although I'm not familar with "Lifeline," I suspect your choice of imagery provides some ample clues. But why the white/red and red/white mismatch? Guess I'll just have to re-aquaint myself with Norweigian Pop! --jim

  2. Hi Paula:


    After "Good Morning, Vietnam," I've never been able to listen to "What a Wonderful World" without a sense of bittersweet irony. But if anything's going restore the innocent optimism of Satchmo's gravely-voiced lyrics:


    I see skies of blue and clouds of white

    The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night

    And I think to myself, what a wonderful world


    it's this image!




  3. Hi Paula:


    Perhaps the little girl represents innocence and is drawn toward what, to her, appears to be a wonderous and celestial light. But even at her young age, she's on a path than involves difficult footing. For the more mature woman, the sense of childhood wonder has faded -- as has she -- and the once miraculous has revealed itself to be rather mundane. What's more, it's all a long, hard journey, as symbolized by the train with its implications of ponderous transition from one place to another.


    Well, there you have my attempt to make sense of the imagery within the context of the title. Not a bad song, either. But REMs"Automatic for the People" gets my vote as one of the best four or five albums of all time -- every song just seems to get better than the rest.


    All my best,


  4. HI Janusz:


    I think I saw some much more flattering images of your Rome girfriend. But this one works for me. Great earth tones, mysterious imagery and lots of intrigue. I like it! --jim



    Hi Janusz:


    This is the kind of abstract/superimposed image that runs the risk of becoming awkward and confused. Not so here! The wheel spokes and especially the "red eyes" provide a focal point that ties it all together. Plus, despite a profusion of color, there are lots of good harmonies -- even between the cool and warm tones. Splendid! --jim



    Hi Ruby:


    Another sensuous dark angel. This time she seems to be floating partially submerge a la Lady in the Lake. The pale irises, brown eye shadow and sideways glance give her a slightly menancing quality of lurking danger and potentially destructive intentions. --jim

  5. Well done. The slight perpective shift is a very clever idea and really makes this work. Also, the fact that these are three separate images showing a progression adds a sense of passage of time. The bad new is what seems like less time than it takes to blink, that little one will be walking off to college. --jim
  6. This image was done in late 1994 with Photoshop 3 and took advantage of a new feature

    known as layers that I used to superimpose a single object on itself multiple times.


    The object was a decorative mosaic sphere with a ship's porthole mounted in the center

    that can still be found on the east side of Washington Street in South Beach, Miami. I

    replaced the dirty glass of the porthole with the head of a sunflower, thinking it would

    look a bit like cat's eye in the sunlight.


    The background was made by spreading modeling paste on a canvas with a palette knife,

    texturing it with various objects-- including the top of a jar of Skippy Peanut Butter--and

    then then painting it with Phthalocyanine Green acrylic.


    The title was pure whimsy. Comments welcome.

  7. When I posted this image in 2003, I was trying to make a statement on the futility of war in

    general--and the price paid by front-line soliders in particular. Unfortunately, nearly five

    years later, not much seems to have changed. Comments appreciated.

    Take Note

    Very cool! The visual analogy to musical notation takes a second to comprehend, but even without it, this scene has plenty of harmony. I think going high contrast was the right decision. It simply wouldn't have the same graphic impact with sky, clouds or other distractions in the background. --jim





    Very powerful and stylish. If you don't know his work already, I think you'll really enjoy seeing this web site: www.davidho.com/ --jim



    Hello Ron:


    What is this futuristic vessel? A warship fitted out with anti-satelite missiles? Or part of the Battlestar Galactica fleet fleeing through space pursued by Cylon raiders? She certainly looks the part>


    So, would I be telling tales out of school if I revealed that "Alice" is a "bulkster" that carries crushed gravel? That she's either covered in thick blanket of dust or traveling in ballast, proceeded by a rusty and bulbous minimum wake hull that makes her look more like a goiter patient than a descendant of tall ships.


    And what you've done for her in this image, Ron, is nothing short of amazing!






    Hi Mandy:

    Brilliant. Just brilliant. I love the expression looking out from under the brim of her hat. You have to tell me what you were listening to when you painted the background -- I want it! --jim

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