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Image Comments posted by jimmcnitt

  1. Is she falling, jumping, floating or flying? I wanted to try something visually ambiguous, but

    there's a clue to be found in the title: "iuventuti nil arduum." Photographed in Barcelona, so

    that's got to be the Gaudi's ghost in the window. Comments appreciated! --jim

    The Dragon

    Looks liquified... and it looks like a dragon with firery yellow flames. I like the restrained color palette and the unified feeling you've engendered with your digital elaborations. Nice work and tribute to the idea that things don't have to be what they seem -- at least not if you have Photoshop. --jim

    Arizona Sunset

    Hi Juergen:

    What an eye-catcher! One technical suggestion: because the sagura on the left and the bare tree on the right are leaning toward the center of the frame, they give the impression (rightly or wrongly) of wide-angle distortion. A couple of quick clicks with the transform>distort feature in Photoshop could make all those elements perfectly vertical. --jim

  2. A professional-caliber job that not only captures the Penguins, but speaks volumes of the mother-chick relationship. My only suggestion for improvement would be to experiment with a tighter crop. Even though your selective focus is excellent, the creatures going out of the frame on the right tent to draw the eye away from your subjects. Great work! --jim
  3. Thanks for the comments, they are much appreciated.

    Jurgen, send an e-mail to jimmcnitt@mac.com and I'll tell you about the hands. Scott, it took about eight hours over two days. I trashed my first attempt and started over again, but the most time-consuming part was creating the powerlines with the CS2 pen tool. --jim

  4. The idea for a powerline made of mechanical hands ravaging a pristine landscape has been percolating for years. Recently, I found the right background while knocking around in the Everglades. The title is from Jim Morrison's song, "When the Music's Over" which includes the lines:

    'What have they done to the earth?

    What have they done to our fair sister?

    Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her

    Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn and

    Tied her with fences and dragged her down'

    The original file is approximately 4000x3000 and is, as they say, best viewed large. --jim


    This is such a compelling image I couldn't resist re-jiggering it a little in PS to emphasize the powerful mood you captured.

    The steps were

    1) Hue-Saturation>Colorize at about 204 with a 50% desaturation level

    2) duplicated the image layer, offset the underlying layer about 10 pixels, and then used a reveal all layer mask to selectively paint through the face and edges to create a slight "blurr."

    It's because of guys like this that I never go out at night without a wreath of garlic and a wooden stake--jim



    One heck of a train wreck -- in a good way. Perhaps a little too lime for my taste as well, but the composition and elements--especially the brooding sky are superb. -- jim

    Solstice Journey


    Hi Jana!


    Don't know if it has a name. I exited I-95 when I noticed marsh on both sides of the highway and then drove back roads for an hour or so until I found what I was looking for -- rows of cypress trees in standing water. Not sure I could even find the exact spot again. My recollection is that is was almost exacty on the the North Carolina-Virgina border somewhat north and west of Roanoke Rapids along the bank of the Roanoke River. I took the photo at a clearing where I could park and where there was a small dock that allowed me to get out among the trees. --all the best, jim




    If you want to get a sense of the possibilities -- and limitations -- of 3D modelling software, take a look at the GALLERY section of www.renderosity.com --jim

  5. I get a strong sense of operatic drama. The similar fabrics links the foreground figures who seem joined in love's eternal struggle while the face of an intruder looks on from its frame. A highly stylized yet powerful tableaux! --jim

    Solstice Journey


    "On the fourth day of her Solstice Journey she came upon a vast swamp that stretched as far

    as the eye could see."


    The foreground figure is a 3d model (V3 with custom morphs) rendered in Vue 5 Infinite. The

    swamp was photographed in North Carolina with a Canon D5.


    FYI: At 7:22 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on December 21 (00:22 UTC on December 22) winter

    begins in the Northern Hemisphere and summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere. --jim

  6. Fabulous sky and sea and nice composite work. One compositional observation: if the bow of your model were pointed inward, toward the center of the scene, I think it would give the image a more balanced feeling. As it is, the eye has to fight to stay in the frame. --jim
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