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Posts posted by krisheylen

  1. <p>I didn't realize it's Wednesday again... Didn't take any pictures the last week, so especially for this thread I grabbed the first flower I could find, and made a simple set-up with an umbrella. The background is the underexposed grass in my backyard.</p>

    <p>D90 w/ Tamron 17-50 and SB-600.</p>

    <p><a title="Cala por Girona_Flashman, en Flickr" href=" Cala src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5229/5687909234_9f3c354946_z.jpg" alt="Cala" width="640" height="425" /></a></p>

  2. <p>On April 23th the Catalan people celebrate their patron, Sant Jordi. Coinciding with the international day of the book, people give roses or books to their beloved ones.</p>

    <p>D90 with Tamron 17-50 f/2.8, flash with softbox.</p>


  3. <p>A statue to the catalan writer Jacinto Verdaguer, at his hermitage up in the mountains, close to Besalú, Spain, while the mist was rolling in under him, which we would encounter on the way down to the village, almost a one hour descent.<br>

    D90 with Tamron 17-50 f/2.8</p>

    <p><a title="Mare de Deu del Mont por Girona_Flashman, en Flickr" href=" Mare de Deu del Mont src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5057/5586485554_aeb1519cac_z.jpg" alt="Mare de Deu del Mont" width="640" height="425" /></a></p>

  4. <p>I did a walk in a medieval town nearby, and made an attempt to a HDR-like effect in Lightroom, starting with a backlit picture, and trying to squeeze it all out of a single raw-file.</p>

    <p>D90 with Tamron 17-50 (at f/22 for the star effect).</p>

    <p><a title="DSC_0176.jpg por Girona_Flashman, en Flickr" href=" DSC_0176.jpg src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5215/5505533705_92c831d85f_z.jpg" alt="DSC_0176.jpg" width="425" height="640" /></a></p>

  5. <p>This weekend we went for our monthly gathering with a group of local (and not so local) photographers on a trip to Rupit, a small town in the mountains, but where they don't call them Pyrenees yet.</p>

    <p>D90 with Sigma 12-24 f/4.</p>

    <p><a title="Antes de la caída por Girona_Flashman, en Flickr" href=" Antes de la caída src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5259/5460508407_e1c6f6c4ae.jpg" alt="Antes de la caída" width="500" height="332" /></a></p>

  6. <p>As always, nice work everyone!</p>

    <p>Winter is way too cold for me to go out and take pictures, but last sunday we had a very nice day here at the Costa Brava, so we headed out for a walk in a local animal reserve. We didn't plan the visit in advance, so I only had one lens with me :-)<br>

    D90, Tamron 17-50 f/2.8<br>

    <a title="Aiguamolls por Girona_Flashman, en Flickr" href=" Aiguamolls src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5255/5425835424_912d76893c.jpg" alt="Aiguamolls" width="332" height="500" /></a></p>

  7. <p>I have been playing with backlit glass again. So yesterday I took a few pics of a Fitzroy's storm glass that I received as a gift this holiday season.</p>

    <p>D90 with Tamron 17-50, and SB600 with blue gel and gridspot under the table pointing at the wall.</p>

    <p><a title="Stormglass por Girona_Flashman, en Flickr" href=" Stormglass src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5082/5348263127_17fe322e4c.jpg" alt="Stormglass" width="332" height="500" /></a></p>

  8. <p>We went for a walk this weekend on our monthly gathering with a local photography group. I usually take only one lens with me, and now it was the turn of the 12-24 mm, on my D90.</p>

    <p>This guy joined us as if it were our guide through the whole visit of the town.</p><div>00Xk0u-305423584.jpg.2e8d469b31530cb883a08991cad1206e.jpg</div>

  9. <p>"when i look at the flash, it appears that the flash is compensating as much as 3 full stops..."</p>

    <p>Do you mean that you see "-3" flashing on the display after taking a picture? This means that the flash couldn't output enough light to take the picture, and it's probably underexposed by 3 stops. This happens sometimes when bouncing and using low ISO and/or stopping down, especially when you're on your knees or laying down to picture children (the light has to travel farther). Or when your flash didn't have enough time to recycle fully (remember: the ready-light goes on before it is fully charged).</p>


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