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Posts posted by WJT
I enjoyed having this feature as well. It would be nice to have it back. Regards.
Several years ago I cobbled together a remote for my Pentax 6X7, but it was not radio controlled. I still had to connect it to the "transmitter" unit via a cable.
A Remote Shutter Release for the 6x7
Something similar might work for you if you can adapt the drone's power supply and a control channel to power and trigger the solenoid. A responder to my link said that he made a radio version and provided a link. Regards.
Hi Jerrod, I can't help you with the blobs but I am impressed with your results with the SFX200. Any details on how you shot this? Filter, exposure, etc? Regards.
David, please allow me to clarify that when one submits a photograph to the NWF a concise sentence or two regarding the submitted photograph, the technique or equipment used, or the subject is certainly permitted. What is not permitted are comments and discussions on the submissions. When the new PhotoNet software came on-line the posting guidelines were no longer visible; this has unfortunately created much confusion. I have tried to explain what is permitted and what is not to preserve the spirit of the NWF in a sticky thread at the top of the forum. I hope this helps. Regards.
Shun, many thanks for the response. Would you know if the PC lens is compatible with the D850 body? Do any of the lens controls physically interfere with those on the body?
I have a need for a wide angle lens (24mm) and was thinking of getting the Nikon 24mm f/3.5 PC-E instead of the 24mm f1.4G ED lens. Any thoughts on this? I know the PC lens is slower but I am more concerned about overall rez and image quality. I shoot mostly landscapes with some interiors and architectural shots. Regards.
"...The guidelines actually state that we're not to post an image to more than one thread and I've seen photos deleted by the site for that reason, though I've seen repeats a lot and deletions of them are rare, thankfully..."
Are you referring to the guidlines for the NWF? They don't state anything like this at all, nor has there been any deletions because of this, at least by me. The actual guidline is that one must not post multiple images into the same NWF thread. This is meant to stop those who wish to monopolize the forum and showcase their work in the NWF instead of the in the Gallery. There have been people like that in the past. The guidline continues that one must start only a single thread per 24 hour period. Same reason, to prevent monopolizations and showcasing. But you may contribute to as many pre-existing threads as you like, even the same image if it is appropriate to the thread's subject.
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Regarding the recent thread deletions in NWF, I deleted the threads because they were not appropriate for that forum. The No Words Forum is meant to be exactly that. To expand on this, the threads are meant to be non-verbal discussions. The recently deleted threads by their very nature invited discussions and comments; and members began to do just that. One thread invited multiple entries from each respondent, which is strictly forbidden in NWF.
There was nothing inherently wrong with these deleted threads, in fact they were quite good ideas. But they really should have been started in one of the other PhotoNet fora, not the NWF.
Perhaps what is needed is a new forum category to handle threads such as those that were deleted. The old PhotoNet site had a few more threads than what we now have. Also, the posting guidelines were more visible (which made my job easier).
Hi Gary,
I am using an NEC PA 242W wide gamut monitor and I think that it is excellent. It came packaged with a Spectraview calibrator. The price point was a bit less than the Eizo. Regards.
This is a "No Words" forum, essentially an on-going, non-verbal discussion of specific member supplied themes. Each thread in this forum is a series of photographs from different members on a single theme. You can start a new theme or post a photo in response to a theme started by others. You may respond to as many themes as you wish, but you should start only one theme per day (24 hours) and post only one image per theme. That also means no diptychs, triptychs, and so on.
Contributions to this forum should not be so specific a subject that it would be exclusive of members of this site. For example, do not start a thread with a title such as "Aunt Emily and her new dress holding an afghan hound in her arms". We want as many members as possible to be ale to respond to the No Words Forum threads. Likewise, a post that restricts to just digital cameras would also be exclusive. And so on.
When you post be selective and post your best example on the theme at hand. And remember, this is No Words, meaning no direct questions or comments. Those are best posted in the Site Help forum.
A sentence or two regarding how you made the photo, the technique, or about the subject is permitted, however discussions and comments about the submissions are not allowed in this forum. Those are best posted in the Critique Forum. If you wish to comment on a member's photo that you saw in this forum use the PhotoNet messaging system and send a message directly to the contributor, or alternatively, send an email. DO NOT post comments into this forum.
Let's all make this fun and try to keep it open for everyone!
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All I know is that I tried to post the above as an echo on No Words, and got deleted and threatened with punishment.
I can find no way in this new system to communicate with the moderators.
JDM, you were not "threatened with punishment" but were told that your behavior was inappropriate for the No Words Forum: specifically, posting comments, opinions, and questions in a NO WORDS forum. The Help Forum is the place to do that.
To be fair, like you and others there were many aspects of the classic PhotoNet that I liked and would rather have seen them remain. But I am willing to give the administration here time to develop a more "state of the art" website. Patience is a virtue, even in the era of instant gratification.
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<p>It is my understanding that the software running the NWF is considerably different than that of the site in general. I was once told that it acts almost like its own website. Not sure if that is really the case or not.</p>
Pentax 6x7, Efke IR 820 Aura infrared film.<div></div>
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<p>Hi Kavin, I have the Minolta Dimage Scan Multi Pro and it works very well with the Vuescan software, via both SCSI and Firewire 1394. For the SCSI connection I maintain a dedicated PC running Windows XP. If your unit has a Firewire port try that with the Vuescan. If not, you might try putting an XP system together for the SCSI card. You can do this really cheaply as you do not need a high-end system. There are a ton of used PC's that can be had for very little cost. I realize that this seems inconvenient but it might be the only way to go for that SCSI connection (or do as Mr. Andrews suggest and get a Mac). My XP system is headache free and will run the original Minolta software as well as Vuescan. Regards.</p>
<p>Well said, Mike!</p>
<p>I'll give another vote for West Coast Imaging. I have had many large Chromira prints produced by them using my files and they have always been of exceptional quality. I have also had some of my 4x5 chromes drum scanned by them and, again, excellent work. They are not cheap but you are getting a quality product.</p>
<p>Hi Joe, you might want to consider the subscription service of Digimarc. With this you invisibly embed your copyright into the image. Using the Digimarc reader you can retrieve the information. With their subscription it is possible to track the images that you have had embedded and get a report of their usage.<br>
Here is a link to the relevant part of the Digimarc site:<br>
<p>Hello again. Please take a peek at this website:<br>
<br />Mr. Lommen explains all you need to know regarding a <strong>Graflok</strong> back versus a<strong> Graflex</strong> back versus a <strong>Graphic</strong> back. When I got my Crown 4x5 it had a Graflex back and it would not work with any of the roll film holders that I had. I changed it to a Graflok back; very easy to do. You just need to remove six little screws and change backs. The Graflok back is the universal industry standard and permits use of roll film holders designed for this type of back as well as sheet film holders that slip under the ground glass. Hope this helps. Regards.</p>
<p>Hi Amanda, I was in the same situation as you when I first purchased my Crown Graphic 4x5. You can change the locks on the Crown to accept the new back. It is not hard but you need to spend just a little bit more on this. The nice thing about the Crown is that you can do a lot of the mods yourself. I will try to take a photo of what I have and post it later.</p>
<p>Greetings...The site had some system updates performed the other night. Be patient.</p>
<p>Well, the older I get (almost 63 now) the more I follow my adage that if one can't drive to the location it is not really that photogenic. But with that said, I still endure lugging around a Pentax 6x7 (and sometimes a 4x5 Crown Graphic) and a mess of lenses to all manner of locations in an attempt to finally capture that one perfect shot on a chrome. The real secret is to pack the minimal amount of gear into a really comfortable back-pack that you can wear for hours at a time. Having the pack supported on your hips with a wide, padded hip belt is essential. If your traveling alone the situation is obviously complicated because you also need to carry the camping supplies as well.</p>
<p>And don't forget the support for the RB. All the advantages of MF are lost if the final product suffers from camera shake. I pack a Gitzo carbon fiber tripod mated to an Acratech ball head. This setup is very light (as tripods go) but firm enough to support this film format. The Pentax 6x7 can be hand held and shot like a giant SLR if the lighting is right but the RB is more comfortable on a tripod. Regards.</p>
<p>Wow, it is hard to imagine you thinking the 55 f4 is soft; mine is excruciatingly sharp. I consider it to be the best lens that I have (out of six lenses). I do have a 45 f4 that suffers from chromatic aberrations in the corners on high contrast subjects and yet others have said that their 45's are great. It might be worth having your lens looked at by a tech. Regards.</p>
<p>Hi Guillermo. If you are starting out with SFX200 you have to keep in mind that it is not a true infrared film but is considered to be more of an extended red type of film. The response falls off very rapidly beyond 740nm, therefore the filter must have a fair amount of transmission below this wavelength. The R72 should work okay. I have shot this film using an 89B filter and also a B+W 091 which are, I believe, similar to the R72, and I have had pretty good results. You can take a look at my Michigan-Upper Peninsula folder where I have a couple of examples posted.<br /> <br /> There is no need to shift your focus point because this is not a true infrared film. Just focus normally.<br /> <br /> The film is rated ISO 200 and setting your meter for that should work okay. I use a Pentax 6x7 and I set its TTL meter for ISO 200. If you use a hand held meter then you will need to make the necessary filter compensations for the reading.<br /> I had good results developing the film in D76 stock strength for 10 minutes at 68 degrees F.</p>
<p>If you really want to experiment with infrared film then you should get a couple of rolls of the Efke Aura 820 film. That film has a response up to 820nm and you can use a #87 filter, which is visibly opaque. Unlike the SFX, you need to rate this film at EI 1.5 to get good results. Regards.</p>
<p>Ann, if you can read then you know the guidelines for posting into the No Words forum; they are right there in front of you when you contribute to that forum. In your deleted post with the airplane, "a few words along with the image" does not mean a lengthy history. Do you need to have a word count specified? Can't common sense be used instead?</p>
<p>Your contributions in the No Words Forum are welcome, I have said that before. But the caveat is that your contributions, as does everyone's' , need to follow the guidelines. I have said that before, too. Regards.</p>
Film only - No Digital Cameras
in No Words