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Posts posted by WJT

  1. This thread is inappropriate in the NO WORDS forum. I shouldn't have to tell any of you that because you all know the rules here.This thread is locked.
  2. I have a similar problem with Vuescan and my Minolta Scan Multi Pro at its highest MF resolution (4800). I contacted Mr Hamrick of Vuescan and was informed that Vuescan does not support the highest resolution of the Multi Pro scanner and that scanning at 4800 with MF media the scan will have truncated sides. Lower rez is fine. The original Minolta software works at all resolutions. Regards.
  3. One of the longest standing rules on PhotoNet is that any posted image must be your own work, not the work of another. In the Terms of Use :"...You agree to upload and post only User Content that you have created yourself..."


    Your composite image should not have a problem as far as US Copyright law is concerned (I could be wrong about that) but it would probably violate this site's rule because it is not wholly your own work. Regards.

  4. I am thinking that this is a local problem with your setup. Do you get the same problem with a different browser? Try using Edge. Also, you might try do a complete reset of Chrome to a first birthday state. An internet search can be found for doing that. Are you running any antivirus apps that might be interfering? This site is heavy in using java script, an AV app might be confused by this. Might also try updating your java script engine. I would also do a really deep scan for virus and malware, that stuff likes to infect java.
  5. Everyone is going to have their own opinion on this subject. For many years I shot with a P67 and also the much improved 67II and scanned the film with my Minolta Dimage Multi Pro. The digital files were printed large using a Chromira printer, usually on Fuji Crystal Archive Super Gloss. Allow me to say that I usually (but not always) got exceptional results with this system, but it took a lot of effort. I almost alwyas used these cameras on a good tripod but did hand-hold when necessary. I had wooden handles on both of these bodies and found that, for me, the handling was much improved. By the way, the handles also have a flash shoe whereas the bodies do not. The P67 had a focal plane flash sync terminal if one wanted to use focal plane flash bulbs. These would sync at the full 1000th/sec of the camera. But again, a lot of effort was needed here.


    But that was in the past. I am now transitioning to the Pentax 645Z system though I still do some shooting with the 67II because I like the look of Fuji Velvia for some subjects. As I am not a young man anymore the convenience of the digital camera is very appealing. Also, the expense of shooting film and trying to find a qualified lab for processing and then waiting a week for the results became rather tiring. That is not to say that excellent labs do not exist, far from it. Still, the time factor will always be there with film. Regards.

  6. We could relax the rules slightly to remove the "once in 24 hours" restriction in "No Word". This suggestion usually wakes up the moderators with a resounding "NO". Maybe even allow a few words?

    No way, not going to happen! Plenty of other forums for that.

    • Like 3
  7. In view of the current crisis that has so many of up stranded at home, I think we should temporarily waive the "only one new thread in a 24 hour period" rule.

    No, this is not going happen. I, too, am stranded at home like so many of you but I think I can find other ways to release my anxiety and frustration instead of bending the forum rules. Why not try posting a photo in the Critique Forum and asking for comments on it? A discussion there can become quite lively and informative. If you are concerned that no one would respond you could send a message to a few of our "regulars" using the PhotoNet message system and let them know that you have a photo posted. There is nothing wrong with doing that. Last time I checked members can submit multiple entries into the Critique Forum. Give it try. Regards.

    • Like 5
  8. Hello, most of my printing is done with a Chromira on Fuji Super Gloss. I tried an Acrylic print and though it turned out very nice it was very heavy (0.25" acrylic). I also tried an aluminum print which was much lighter. Depending on how big one prints and where one wants to hang these this might be a consideration. Visually both are nice, the aluminum print might offer brighter highlights, depending on the subject. Also, the durability of the acrylic prints is much greater. I used West Coast Imaging, which is now called Metal&Paper Pro. Regards.
  9. My vote is for the Pentax 67II or even the older 6x7; I have used both for many years. The lens selection is very good and they perform very well. The cameras are just like a big SLR and are easy to hand-hold, especially if you attach the optional wooden handle. On the down-side the X-sync is really at an awkward shutter speed for fill flash however there is a leaf shutter lens option available. With the 67II you can have the option of TTL aperture priority auto metering and it is very accurate.
    • Like 1

    I took another look at the Pluto site and the cable that is recommended for the 645Z is the E3 cable. I swear when I first took a look a week or so ago they listed the N3 cable. Anyway, the E3 looks like a standard mini tip-ring-sleeve type cable . This I assume would plug into the right side of the 645Z at the shutter release connector. That would take care of triggering the pluto, but as far as ttl I am still in the dark. The pluto wold have to have some kind of connection to the hot shoe for ttl.

  11. Hi Ron, I can't really help you but I would very much like to know the answer to your question too. I also am a new 645Z owner and I am considering the Pluto trigger. My current flash system for the 645Z uses the Pentax 540 flash. To get it "off camera" with TTL I use I use 5P cord, the hot shoe adapter ( Pentax# 31022) and the shoe adapter (Pentax# 31046) which has the 1/4-20 socket for a tripod mount. A wireless connection would be much more convenient. The Pluto website lists their N3 cable for use with the 645Z. It looks like this cable has an odd 3-pin connector on one end with the standard RTS connector on the other. Good question on where this would plug into the camera.
  12. Hi Fabrice,

    I use the 2940 SCSI board with a PC running XP Pro and the Minolta scan software. This works fine. Make sure that your cable is okay and that you have the terminations set correctly. If you are unable to get the SCSI board working have you tried using a Firewire connection with the scanner? I have successfully used the Firewire connection with the scanner using a different PC running Win7. Try using only the default settings with the scan software.

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