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Image Comments posted by edlark

    RAY 2000

    Great shot! Love the contrast. Did you do any photoshop modifications? Looks almost like there was a slight watercolor effect added?

    Metro 1


    The light was gorgeous, filtered through a dirty bus window, and the

    man seem perfectly happy with the world. He caught me taking the

    string of exposures, but didn't seem to mind. Comments appreciated,

    ratings welcome.

  1. Not offended at all. I really am looking for helpful critiques for the stuff I post here. The shot is a little over exposed, but I don't mind the bright spots overall. I kept the wide crop originally because I liked the grey and black tones in the background and the suggested shape of the chair to the left, but these things don't necessarily come across as well in the small jpeg version. The above is a tighter crop per previous suggestions with some brightness adjustment. Better?



    the light is lovely. the foreground leaf that is out of focus is getting in the way, though. the photo would have been much stronger without it. i would also crop the bottom third.
  2. odd image, yet strangely evocative. get rid of the negative space at the top of the frame, perhaps also some of the bottom. the motion blur seems to be an obvious, post processing addition via photoshop, yes?


    the background is unattractive and distracting. longer zoom or closer crop would be preferable. it would also be more appealing if the bird was turned in toward the frame and not away.
  3. What does one do in a park, but loiter?


    This is a quaint little park off a busy street on the waterfront in downtown Seattle. I bet you I could go down there and sit on that bench all day long and would receive not one objection from the fine members of the law enforcement community that stroll up and down the boulevard. So why the sign? If not me, then who does it apply to? What people or group does this sign seek to exclude?

    Peace out

    A great newpaper shot. DOF is just right - the background is blurred enought to set the subject off, but the signs to the rear are still legible. An inspirational image in that it's the kind of shot I wish I was getting. Thanks for posting.
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