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Image Comments posted by edlark


    Mary and the angel? Incredible. How did you get the hard sillouette on the standing figure but still retain the glowing exposure on the woman? Is there any lighting from behind, or is all the illumination the light-painting?

    lera 1

    Hope, or despair? You can get both from this image. Such an early twentieth century feel - reminiscent the apocalyptic visions of Huxley or Orwell, or the movie Metropolis.
  1. Best shot of your portfolio so far, I think. I could wish for just a little more DOF so that the topmost leaf of the foreground subject was in focus, but very nice overall. The matte...doesn't work IMVHO, but I'm biased against anything grander than a thin black border. (The color seems slightly "off" for the tones in the photo, at least on my monitor.)


    Not bad. A little hot from the flash and I'd crop about a fourth from the right side. Good expression on the subject. I the title a deliberate mispelling? I really don't see any "flexing" going on in the picture.

    Carly Kayla

    I have the suspicion that this would have been a great photo, if only you had shot them from the front. Bisection if the woman's head by the horizon line is also unfortunate.
  2. Interesting photograph. The DOF seems a little too shallow - buttons foward and back are out of focus, perhaps a stylistic disagreement. The phone cradle/teapot(?), table, and shadows in the background are distracting and do't seem to add anything to the image. Tonal balance also seems off kilter - everything weighted to the lower right.

    Public Market


    ...me to.


    Nice color and good sharpness. I assume you used a tripod, correct? The framing is a little uninspired, but it is pretty hard to do something really unique with this subject. The shot is techincally fine, but without much energy or anything dynamic happening to make it stand out. Nice early effort, though. Keep it up!


    Not a bad flower pic - great colors. Some things that would make it better: 1) focus seems a little soft on my monitor, perhaps the image just needs a little sharpening? 2) as mentioned above, the background is distracting, using a larger apeture would have been better to give yourself a shallow depth of field - then you would still retain the great color tones from the background but lose the distracting detail. 3) get closer - the flower is really the most interesting thing here, but it's to small in the frame, get in tight and fill the frame. You don't really need a macro lens to do this, a short telephoto should be adequate. Good first shot! Keep it up.
  3. These guys were having as much fun as any ten other people at the

    rally/march. My thoughts on improvements: 1) wish the sign wasn't

    cutting off the guy's chin 2) wish the lettering was more apparent -

    tried darkening just the letters, but still doesn't show up that well

    on small jpeg, 3) wish I had used a shallower depth of field - if the

    background were more out of focus I think they would show up better,

    especially in the right third where the background is darker and more

    textured. What I like: the facial expressions - sat and held the

    focus until they were both looking in my direction and both smiling,

    snapped four quick when it happened and this is the best.


    All comments and suggestions greatly appreciated. Ratings welcome,

    but generally ignored.

    Top Gun

    Beautiful. The smooth gray-blue of the water combined with the subtle shading of the boats is great. I really like the composition - at first I thought the bottom boat should be cropped out, but now I think it adds a needed weight to the bottom.



    Nice! I can almost hear the flakes falling.


    My only nit is with the patch of open sky in the upper-right, it doesn't seem to fit and throws the composition off somewhat for me. Perhaps if you had rotated right a little so that the background trees had filled the frame? But really, quite lovely.

    Broken Dreams

    I think it is a very good shot. I love the desolate feel. If you could have gotten a little higher (or closer?) so that the car's hood was more seperated from the background trees - it could be more differentiated. Perhaps also a little more contrast.
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