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Image Comments posted by edlark

  1. Yes, it's cat picture, but is it a good cat picture? What I like:

    the overall tones, the detail of the fur on the face, that I caught

    some light in the eyes. What I wish was better: depth of field

    perhaps (?) to shallow - the wiskers to the left are out of focus,

    perhaps a little more or a little less of the body - don't know if

    the truncated legs work.


    These are my thoughts. Yours?

  2. It's not a bad picture - although your description sounds like more of a justification for the heavy shadows throwing off the balance than a philosophical statement - but if you have to tell us what it represents then you didn't do a good enough job expressing it in the picture. Respect your audience, if you've done your job well, they'll "get it."


    This series is mildly clever, but generally in poor taste. This particular shot more than most. I'll give you benes for the PSA on condom use, but this set still smacks of snickering adolescent boys.
  3. This was shot at the N30 anniversary march here in Seattle. The march is

    passing by a high-end hotel near the city center. The reason I tripped the

    shutter here is that this is one of the few moments in a highly controled protest

    event where there seemed to be a real level of tension. The hotel patrons on

    one side, seeming intrigued, repulsed, and slightly afraid of the protesters on

    the left. The clear expanse of the hotel driveway, protected both by the hotel

    security guard in the foreground and the line of police down the center. My

    question: Does any of this come through on the photo? What do you see

    when you look at the shot? Comments greatly appreciated.


    Good street shot. I like the way the image falls off to the right and below, as if the scene was floating in a void. While I think the overexposure works in general, it may be a little too much on the furthest left.

    white van

    The colors, textures and contrast all work very well here. There is a perceived effect of oversaturation and perhaps a slight solarization, but this may just have to do with the reflective nature of the primary wall.

    low cycle

    Nothing grabs me in this shot. Even the geometry of the buildings just seems normal and uninteresting. The shadow variation has some potential, but as it stands the moment doesn't look deliberatly chosen. One element that does stand out is the windows on the right. The blue reflections in the dark space might be a subject to explore in itself.
  4. There is nothing technically wrong with the shot, but to me it just seems uninspired artistically. It has that flat, quasi-hip look that seems so common in magazine ad copy these days. As a commercial/stock shot it's likely a winner, though.
  5. Hool,

    Are you familiar with Roy DeCarava's work? This reminds me strongly, and positively, of his stuff. (Particularly his this photo: http://www.masters-of-photography.com/D/decarava/decarava_subway_full.html) Where do you find people who still dress like this? Or is this a staged picture?

    I agree, however, that while there is enough difference between hat and the overcoat to differentiate them, a little more contrast sould have been preferable. Also, on my monitor the had seems a little washed out, slightly overexposed.

    evening bus

    I guess I'm going to go against the grain on this one. While the colors are interesting, the red is too reminiscent of a light leak or heat damage. Also, it obscures the one part of the image that might have remained focused. Without that my eye doesn't have anyplace to rest and just travels aimlessly around the frame. To me it looks like a grab shot by an inexperienced photographer, which I know you aren't.

    wall and sky

    Very good compositionally, but the longer I looked at it the more nits started to present themselves. The right and left initially look to have a symetrical tonality, but as the different wall textures and subtle color differences between white and red on the two sides starts to subtract from the pleasing nature of the simple composition. Overtime, the picture starts to look like a jumbled mess of lines. and textures. But quite striking.
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