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Image Comments posted by edlark


    Interesting shot, but the overexposure doesn't work for me. Perhaps you were going for something along the lines of a "ascension" theme, but to me the image just looks blown out.

    sodium snow

    Sorry, but for me the composition doesn't work. I would like to see the glow of the light and the top of the light pole either complete, or taken out altogether. I know the rule of thirds is made to be broken, but, in this case, following it might have been better.
  1. Well, to me the blood isn't subtle at all. It practically jumps out of the image. Aesthetically, it's an "ugly" photo, but I don't think you were going for a pretty shot. I certainly react to the photo - it's disturbing, and I mean that in a good way.
  2. Ooh, nice and moody. The positions of the subjects - man facing away and in the background, woman facing in opposite direction and appearing to be walking away - plus the expression of the woman and child make this a very emotionally charged image. The high, thin sky adds to it. Probably is a perfectly benign situation in real life.

    Everyday Hero

    I like the shot and the expression you caught is great, but I don't know that the hand coloring really improves it. (Admittedly, I'm predisposed to think of hand colored shots as gimmiky, so take my opinion here with a grain of salt.) If I was going to crop I'd come in from the right, taking out the people facing away from the camera and toward the subject. Keep the woman on the left as her facing away from the subject and caught up in her own thing actually adds to the hopeless expression on the main subject. I also might come down a bit on the top. The sign is such a large graphic element that - even with the hand coloring - that is where my eye first went. Thanks for posting.

    Winter in three

    Very atmospheric. I'm finding the the dark trees at the very top of the image to be a little distracting, and while the placement of the benches is good, they just seem slightly "off" to me. Sorry I can't be more specific. Very close to a 6 aesthetics-wise, but went with 5 because of nits above. Nice image.


    While the light is interesting, the composition and DOF just seems a mess in this shot. The focal point is on the foreground trees, rendering the fireword very soft. Also, the background is completely blown out (especially on the right third, but we don't get any foreground detail). Sorry this just doesn't work for me. Your other photo is much better.
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