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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1

    a wet dog

    the pic is underexposed... dog's eye ar not glaring at all. the upper side of the image is completely dark. Possible solutions: 1. use a lighter lens - this is not cheap but it helps avoiding underexposures while stopping the movement. 2. use a faster film.. actually u can buy very good 400 iso films with few grains... if u don't have to make a 50x70 poster this remains a good and cheap solution. 3. don't shoot pictures at noon... and in any case don't shot agains the sun... in your picture the dog's shadow tells me that the sun was rather high... this way u cast too shadows....

    la piazza


    ok, the picture is rather good... the stiching is ok (photoshop?) the center part of the picture is well exposed...

    anyway, my personal advice would be to retry this shot at different times of the day. probably u got it when the sun was at your shoulders and low at orizon... personally i don't like the underexposure at image sides, it is too exagerated... i would prefer little contrast in this picture... which is overally good but could be far far far better



  1. hi,


    it seems to me that u have too green midtones here.... i would suggest u to use photoshop or similar and lower the midtones value for the green channel and i would also increase image lighting. this should eliminate the green dominance... the composition is very good.







    ok... this one is veeeery goood =) but...

    u could try adding a human figure walking down the corridor and keeping his back to the camera... could add a lot more


    fine work anyway...




  2. i don't know if it is becouse we are already in september... but this picture recalls to my mind images i would have liked to remain buried.


    i don't know if you were trying to recall them. but your picture has the gift to make an italian feel american.


    thank u


    Misty Comet Falls


    crop a little the picture so that it right corner stands near the waterfall right edge... this way u get 3 diagonal lines on the pic...

    1st one : white water

    2nd one : grey rock

    3rd one : green trees


    the gaze looks great.



  3. very nice

    good composition, good light.

    the lower part of the bigger figure is out of focus, u should have used a closed to F16 Or F22 to gain a little more dept without focusing on the background figure

    Red Mustang


    the red mustang would have looked great opposed to a black wall..... if it your's retry, if it isn't, well, consider that at leas't car coulours and reflections are very good.


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