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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1


    overally a well balanced image. since you put the road in foreground i would have liked to have it linked on some action! something recalling the high solitude of the place.. for example a lonely walker or a cyclist.


    the situation is really uncommon... but it would have been far better to take it from a different angle and - possibly with a tele. this way all the cicles looks very confusing


    althouhg many could not appreciate your effort, this picture is very well done: first for the expression of the pilot!!! it is generally to get it so clearly. also the global framing gives the picture a great sense of motion. too bad that the picture lacks of greater color saturation.. probably a cloudy day? very good anyway


    i feel the background nude is too blurred. also its grey tonality is *too* near to flower's, so it would be advisable to retry the shoot - anyway quite good - using a deeper field and some filter to separate foreground and background tones


    pointless image. there is a lack of main subject or strong foreground. trees are *too* caotic and add confusion to the image. but the idea is still good... probably retrying in a foggy day, using a b/w film and a tripod you could enhanche the cahotic nature of the place and avoid ugly shadows.
  1. too underexposed.. the foreground boat is quite invisible as well as the trail it should leave. you should have spot measured the light on the boat and - to be sure - should have used a braketing.


    this one is better... it renders the strenght of the waterfall and displaies a rainbow... though it is still flattered by water's haze... something that it wouldn't have been easy to avoid...


    ok.. u have a super wide angle lens BUT u don't know how to use it!!! don't u see the shadows make the low part of the picture unreadable? finally the size is TOOO small to make any detail readable.

    Goat Rock

    it lacks or strenght and it is bad composed.... a wave that hits rocks hard in foreground and the remaining in background would have been much stronger... also b/w films enhanche the mood of this kind of pictures. finally the look it is too "soft"... evidently a bad or uncleaned lens

    First Snow

    tree's colours are magnificent, but the location isn't isn't excellent.. too many distracting background. the tree is not centered nor tilted on one of the frame's thirds...
  2. the mood is really nice... too bad the fallof at high sides... did u use too many filters??? generally the 35-70 f/2.8 nikkor doesn't have such fallof at sides - even at f/2.8... alternatively a firm tripod and a longer shutter speed - combined with much closure.. f/8 at least - could have brought you to better results...
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