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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1

  1. the picture it is rather good, but there are some points u might have improved... 1. a larger cropping: when u shoot racing cars, it would be advisable forecast the point the car is going to be and stay there... keep the framing a little larger, otherwise u will get car's sides cut (like in the pic above). 2. it is advisable to use a good 200 or 400 film or slide: actual films give few grain and - as a counterpart - u avoid blurred images. the image above is blurred even at 1/500sec becouse of that fact... using a iso 200 would have pulled u to 1/1000; using a iso 400 would have pulled u to 1/2000 !!!! using such shutter time would have avoided blurs. also apply a sharpening using photoshop. it doesnt' harm the picture and recovers from light blurring. Overally, considering the difficulty i might have had realizing this.. is a GOOD picture


    kind regards

  2. nice idea to render the action of fishing by using fisher's shape... too bad the image is too small in size, it would be great to see much detail in the water. i am anyway sure that the original scan is quite detailed.

    First Rose

    i'd genereally wouldnt use soft spot (or a digital manipulation that gives the same result) for if u abuse them u get boring images. This image anyway is very nice: in fact the subject is not simply standing still but accomplishing an action, smelling the rose; the action is underlined by the local add of red. it doesnt matter if the if the images *seems* too blurred, by adding such effects u made a precise choiche: underlining an action. looking it under this perspective the image works pretty good.



    i will not rate it but just comment, becouse if i had to rate it would get a 1 / 1. now.. the technical details: the idea is unintresting and uninspired, there is no composition, the image is full of things u could have eliminated... for example: the blue packet on the top, the low-left side (wich is completely unfocused). colours are of a picture that has been taken using a frontal flash.. no light at sides, no technique at all. i don't want to be rude, i really want to help u.. i would like u to consider retrying the shot reducing as much as possible things that have nothing to do with the subject; example: a branch of the tree, some leafs, the decoration and some little blurred light AND NOTHING MORE would do gread as a start. Photography is the art of LEAVING THINGS OUTSIDE THE VIEWFINDER, AND NOT OF PUTTING THEM INTO. so try to be clear and point straight to the subject (and only at it).


    one more point... when i have to put low ratings (and happens rarely), or when i don't like images, i am expecially kind to say WHY. i think people would appreciate commenting your images explaining the do and dont's if u would be kind to do the same with them.




  3. probably shot just few seconds after the sun went down the orizon... it happens to get such red colours in such situations, expecially when fuji velvia is used. the picture it is too dark at the bottom, probably it would have been better shooting in landscape format. quite a good shot. cheers
  4. hi, i love this picture of u. first of all becouse it seems fireworks (unless u look at it better). the golden colours add a lot, expecially becouse contrast with a darker background. the composition in strong, it drives from the bottom to up the frame. picture like this *may* considered flat, but it is not. the subject explain itself beautifully. so i consider it a great shot
  5. leaving apart that u are also a good model ;-) this is one of the best s.p. i have ever seen. i do believe that the black skin matches greatly with the whit overexposed areas, it recalls me of afica and zebras - really cool.


    ricardo, sorry i haven't been looking your work for a while. i like this shot very much: the point i mostly like is how the 2 heads are on frame's diagonal, considering she is looking low right and pointing the head at the lower right corner this enforces the composition and allows me to accpet the black space on the right. it is your shadow lightpainted on the left? if it is so how did u accomplish to get only the shadow? there is a balance between the male shadow and the female figure.. a see - don't see game that gives the image a strong personality. well done to me



    a common subject that if not pictured in *very* original and unconventional ways results boring. this is the case. the shadows are not properly filled in, the background is of no significance and it would be better completely dark, the pose static, even if the head has an intresting angle. i could suggest u closing up on the head, getting a better illumination by using fill flash or passive reflectors, trying (why not?) with ir and b/w films



  6. dont try this kind of pictures unless u have a good point of view (no clutters, intresting background etc), a good tripod (the picture is blurred - and not in an aestethetically way), a longer tele lens, 1000 or 800 are quite good to close up on car's details. the best point of view could be achieved near slow chicanes, where u generally can get closer to the car in a point where its speed is so low that u can easily frame it and forecast its position.


    this picture is appreciable for the good toning and for the use of light. a lateral directive (and maybe too strong) light gives the subject personality and enhances the look of the model. i like how she looks left. good framing, strong composition. overally a very good shot




    the picture is rather nice, even if i don't know how many on this forum would agree with this opinion. generally cats are considered less intresting subjects and penalized in originality. not this case - to me - and for several reasons: 1. i like cat's eyes are looking high and left, it creates a diagonal line that drives through the frame. 2. using b/w film enanches the mood of the subject, and since the cat looks nice, and it is not looking straight at u, gives the picture much movement. now, what i consider could be improved: the depth of field. i posted quite a similar picture on the forum that was penalized for the limited DOF. i admit that i rather like the combination "sharp-eyes, little blurred subject", expecially with cats, but again, many could not agree. next time try a deeper field of view and compare the results. overally it is a very good picture, on a difficult (becouse too portraited) subject.




    the picture is very nice, car's shapes match perfectly with the simple background, the gold tone and the rear illumination is great.. only i would have tried to close a little on the car and to put a white reflector on the fron part of the machine itself or, at least, a fill in flash displaced to light the front part. otherwise a good picture.



    intresting is the contrast between the warm red in the background and the cold blue in the foreground.. it recalls the nature of the reptile u pictured... cold blooded.

    well done

  7. it recalls to me of a sunset.. but it is not.. i like when u make one thing looking another :-.

    i wouldn't change the DOF.. it makes the picture much smooth and allow the imagination to run. very good idea the light line that drives to the bulb.. is it incandescent lamp?




    hands (1)



    there are several reasons i like this picture... first of all the balance between dark, middle and light tones.. also i like seeing the grane


    i also like hands' shapes and sking tones.. they are both contrasting... the position they held each other is strong...


    finally the composition.. however i start looking the picture, from the bottom or from the top, it drives me to the hold...


    really well done


  8. Ricardo,


    what i like best of the image is its tenderness.. u did a good job making it come out. also i have to consider that u had difficulties with the light, and the only lens u could use.. so to me it is origina (becouse i didn't see much of this kind around) and well done..




  9. Paolo, i rather enjoy the use u made of the wide anlge lens; althoug the wall was already curved, u enhanced the effect! the resulting spira shape is well armonized witht the orizon curve and guides the eyes trough the frame.


    :-) i like this very much

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