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Image Comments posted by giuseppe_miriello1


    franz... something has changed.. the picture is still well exposed... now we have a background.. but i would have avoided that framing in the foreground.. it is useless and cuts informations from the main subject!!!





    the picture is well exposed, the saturation of colours is excellent, plus u found an advantage point and avoided the converging lines... the problems come when u notice that there are no background, and that the position of the subject is too central in the frame thus this is flattering. The photo as it is now tell something abt the object, but nothing abt the place where it lies.

  1. Nathan,


    althoug the picture u sent is *too* small in size to see all details and colours, i feel it miss a subject of interest in the foreground... by putting the peak on the center of the frame, u also exalted the flatness of the picture, it would have been better to put it a little on the right.

    parked girl


    elisabeth.. the picture is rather nice and i like it, although the broken wall gives u a too tricky background and this reduces the contrast between the bikes and the "parked" girl.. anyway u couldn't do better since it seems an "on the fly" shot


    well done

  2. maybe the phone? maybe the computer? maybe the candle?


    simone, u have some good idea, but u have to develop it buy choosing a main subject... removing all the unnecessary background, and working on it... i mean doing at least 10 shots on a subject.. and since u have a digital camera i would suggest u to do much more than 10 shots ;-)



  3. daniel,

    u used the light very well and i thank u for sharing with us both the story of how u discovered the place and the technique used for the pic. As a matter of fact, if u hadn't told us i would have asked how did u got the warm dominance on the left.

    actually i had seen light painting tecnique applied only on nude photos and in b/w, until now, i must admit that in colour photography it adds even more - if used properly. it is a fact that light and how to manage it is everything in photography.

    I really would like to go deeper in this technique, i hope u will drop us some howtos or suggest us some point to start with.




    A road


    hi stefano,


    i looked this pic u made.. although the idea is worth to, the pic is too dark and with too much black framing. plus, cars in background make it (to me -at least) less intresting...

    i would suggest retrying it with better framing, a longer exposure and at a time (or season) where u get far less cars





    the picture renders the contrast between the nature life and the hurban streetlife, although it would have been great if u had tried more shots and - possibly - lett

    us to see a little more of the hurban sourroundings


  4. leigh,


    i browsed your folder and found this... WOW... ok... this time u don't need the human presence becouse the sun itself creates a second point of attraction in the picture... also the sun (lower respect the first pic i commented) gives a green touch to the water, exalting clouds reflections. the picture itself appears warmer and very pleasant.


    by all means, even if this picture is self standing, i wouldn't understimate trying human presence in all your pics. Generally all dramatic landscapes - and u shoot many - are rendered much more dramatic when a well known element is added.


    best regards



  5. don't take this comment as rough...

    i think the idea behind the picture is good... but not perfect..

    here some points i would improve: 1. I feel there is *too much* sky, it is thundersous, yes, but it doesnt add details to the image. 2. i feel that the foreground shades could be better... i would have preferred seeing a house or something different from brushes.


    i would suggest to retry this shot adding familiar objects.. houses, horses etc, so to give it a more dramatic effect



  6. Aram,


    overally the pic is nice... i would have cropped the shadows at the left and at the bottom of the frame....

    composition: the lamp creates a line in the 1st third of the frame... it might be worth trying cropping the right part of the frame until lamp's shadow makes a diagonal..


    the hole in the wall... well.. i guess u cannot crop it away so i would suggest to fill it in with photoshop.. is a very small alteration after all






    hi christopher....


    i like your picuter for different reasons...

    mostly i like spiders' traps in the foreground -they are very well rendered... i would have tried using a white paper to enhance the (amost) invisible trap in the center of the frame


    only.. try adding a little background to this picture... where did u take the pic? is it a field? why gloves (are gloves?) have been put that way?





    Cup of tea




    the thing i appreciate most in your pics - and expecially in this one - is the use of black and white... the black is really dark and the white is really bright...


    in this picture, i like most the reflection on the parquet (is it a parquet isn't it?)... this isolates the cup... also... the cup is probably full of tea, but the reflection came out so good that it seems containing a candle or something


    that's a good work

    well done




  7. ahhhhhhhhhhh let's run our back off!!!!! save the woman and the child !!!!


    i think that u could have done better - most of all on the exposure... the high side *too* bright the low side *too* dark. but the 2 eyes i will fear of them for a little time





    first i will say what i like: 1. the flames are very well rendered, the overall contrast between red (hot) and blue (cold) is intresting.


    second i will say what i would have liked to see: the car is *too* underexposed.... a little more light on the car to enhanche the blue colours and u would have done great.








    i like the picture... first of all for the *very* original location. U did a good job by putting your camera portrait... it gives the sense of the altitude.. and the clouds in the background, enhanche the sense of solitude.


    i would have liked to also read some comments from u abt the place this has been taken, where it is, how life looks like there.. it would have been a very nice add-on




  8. oliver,


    of the cross' hill this one is the pic i prefer... it gives the idea of a God being up to u, it also make u feel the *hard* effort any believer must face to reach God.


    i like the composition, with the cross on the right guiding your sight directly to the statue, which is some kind of cross itself. the cross on foreground just a little too blurred.


    abt the comment on being believer or not... i think that a good photographer has the duty to report the truth whatever it is... this might be either crazy or an example of faith. u pictured it very well





  9. a little more underexposure on the ground and the picture wuold have been more puzzling.. has been taken from the space or from the ground?


    very nice.. together with the photoshopped eye one of your best.




  10. i do not completely agree...


    surely the picture lacks of the resolution to show people in all details, that's due to the film's grain and to the scanner's power of resolution;

    on the other hand the composition is good, the lighting is good, the kind of lense used show that there is control on the camera and (last but not least) not always people details are strictly required.


    as a personal idea, i would have tried to take more than one shot... far (as the pic) then close , then much close, then with different point of interest, and finally showing what people do. the whole set would have told a story... one picture records a moment... this picture records it very very well


    brava :-)


  11. hi Cedar,


    i Like this picture very much.. to me is A6 O5


    abt not being viewed by others photo.net members... if i were u i woulnd't worry abt it excessively: not everyone has the same taste of u so simply bypass your picture.


    on the other hand consider that a reportage picture works better if not alone but in a presentation and *comphrensive* of notes abt the place where it was take, why, what the subject was doing, why it was doing.


    i enjoied all your folders, u do this kind of pictures regularly, so *report* the stories... surely this will attract much more people.





    my preferences are for less contrasted pictures... but this one is well done... to me tells a story of wives waiting for they housebands to get back from the sea..
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