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ray .

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Everything posted by ray .

  1. Looks like that's it John. For some reason '1px' was showing in the the width box for the crop tool. No idea how that happened. I've never done anything there before for the crop tool. I deleted the type and things are back to normal now. Wow, quickest thread ever guess…. (moderator delete if you wish) Thanks!
  2. Oh also, I guess I need to make sure Photoshop Elements converts all RAW files, or if not, which ones it doesn't. I use Photoshop CS4 now for Canon RAW and Leica DNG files.
  3. I've been using PS CS4 Extended (version 11.0) on my Mac for quite some time and it's been fine... Also using Adobe Bridge CS4 as well. One glitch in PS CS4 that popped up recently though is with use of the cropping tool. If I crop an image the file diminishes to a tiny size that's unusable. I updated my Mac OS to Mojave today and ran Disk Utility First Aid on the Mac, but the crop issue in Photoshop is still there. The crop tool is just not functional. So has my quarter run out on Photoshop CS4 Extended? Is this the end of the line, or can someone suggest a fix? If I do replace it, should I get Photoshop Elements 2019? I don't do any special effects so just need the basics- re-sizing files (digital & film scans), adjusting contrast and exposure, adjusting color, converting to b&w, cloning dust spots, printing from files— but not much beyond that. Can I still use Bridge CS4 in conjunction with Photoshop Elements 2019 if I need to go that route? Thanks in advance…
  4. I use LTI Lightside in Manhattan for processing B&W 35mm film. The negs always come back spotless. I mail films to them from California.
  5. Think I'm going to have the lab scan something for me to compare. What's also happening is just too much darkening of blacks, especially as you get in the area starting about 1/4 of the way toward the borders of the frame. Or maybe I need to update VueScan. ?
  6. I'm using an older version of VueScan- 9.5.32. Haven't bothered and also hesitant to update to a newer version, since it does the job. It works fine on my 5 year old Mac with the OS I mentioned above.
  7. glen_h, I'm using a Nikon LS-40 scanner (that I may replace) with an iMac on OS 10.13.1…… Should be OK with another Nikon scanner if I go that route. I use VueScan for the scanner software.
  8. I'm seeing a few Nikon scanners available advertised as new. Since there are return options on them, I'm thinking of taking a chance on one. Would there likely be any issues with a new scanner that's been sitting in a box for several years? Does anyone know what the release dates were on various models of Nikon scanners, such as the LS-5000 and 5 ED, etc?
  9. Talked to the film lab guy in NY and he says it's the scanner. Something about the film not being flat possibly. I don't know. He seems to be saying I need to replace it. Would there be any issue buying an unused boxed Nikon scanner? They're pretty old by now, but there seems to be some unused ones available, with return option. Alternative would be getting a $16,400 Hasselblad Flextight X1, but that would be an extreme move, even for me.
  10. Just called Nikon technical support and they no longer clean or service their scanners, due in part as I was told, to lack of parts. There are online instructions on how to clean the mirror inside the scanner, but it looks more involved than I think I want to try to handle. I haven't checked yet to see if there are independent techs who will do a service.
  11. Not from the same camera, and I’ll check, but pretty sure it’s not dependent on occasional but rare frame space irregularity. You know though, now that you say it joe, I had wondered if it is somehow caused from bleed from the clear space between frames. I’ll check on how to get the scanner cleaned or serviced. If someone has info on that, I’d appreciate the info.
  12. It's not the lighting. The image posted is old and was shot before I really paid enough attention to what the light was doing. I very rarely shoot into the light anymore. Other images clearly do not have the problem at all. The cameras are good, I'm sure of that. The scanner has never been serviced so that could be suspect.
  13. Hmm, looks tempting. I'm not the savviest with computer software. Usually don't have any issues but I'm hesitant to mess with things when something is already mostly working. Would it affect using VueScan if I wanted to fall back on that?
  14. Yes I have cropped and it’s usually not a big deal. I thought Nikon’s software was defunct quite some time ago. No?
  15. rodeo_joe, could that be the case if over half of the images scanned don’t have any of the edge darkening? By film holder are you talking about an external accessory holder the film is placed in before feeding it in the scanner? I feed the film strip directly into the scanner, have never used a holder for this scanner except for mounted slides... The scanner has never been serviced however. The dark edges disappear more easily than I would expect when lightening up the image with VueScan software, but then again overall the image ends up being too light with that strategy, so I expect that probably doesn’t mean anything.
  16. Curling which way? Do you mean the curvature along the length or at the end? The neg strip from the photo shown is pretty flat, with no curl at the end. Chuck, on this one it's on the end of the strip and I placed it in the scanner head in and also turned it around and put the strip in with it being the last neg. Same result. I don't think you're suggesting turning it upside down are you? Also, for Bill: This is happening with negs shot from 2 or 3 different cameras- a Leica M2 and my current M7, at least, so I don't think it's the shutter. Also as I said doesn't occur on many or most negs.
  17. I'm getting darkened edges occasionally on 35m b&w negatives I'm scanning with VueScan, using a Nikon LS-40 ED scanner. I got the scanner new and it's been great but is now about 14 years old. I'm also using an outdated version of VueScan, hesitant to update because as is it seems to usually do the job just fine. I am getting these results from both very old negs I processed myself- as in the example shown here from 1982, AND newly shot films processed by a professional lab in NYC. But to emphasize- the darkened edges only show up on some negs, but not on others. Could it be the scanner or software? On this image- which, granted was shot in poor light and is not great technically anyway- I can't detect any changes in value on the edges when looking at the neg itself with a loupe. I suppose it's possible they're there in the neg, but I'm not seeing it. I should say, I scanned this image 3 times with the same result. So certain negs appear to either have the issue, or they don't. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
  18. How 'bout we just call the photographs of Robert Frank as observant of fact.
  19. Great Arthur, and thanks everyone for adding to the conversation.
  20. A see a few people who haven't changed one bit still battling it out here after all these years… Wow.
  21. No problem, I don't carry a backpack shooting so whatever works for you. I've just always preferred light and compact. :)
  22. Denny Denny Denny. With all that stuff I don't see how you get anything done other than juggling it all. An extra eye cup, a rocket blaster, 3 lenses, etc etc etc for a 3-4 hour walk? Never heard of such a thing and can't imagine it's a sensible approach. Take one camera, possibly a couple extra rolls of film or card, and adequate clothing. You're not going on a 2 week trek in Siberia. Leave whatever inexpensive stuff you think you might need in the car and walk back to the car in the unlikely chance you'll actually need it.
  23. He's not specifically a street photographer, though he has photographed on the street, but most of the rest of his work is shots of people anyway, so plenty close enough. His work is informative and well worth seeing. I ran across this presentation of his work he gave that's quite good. Introduction to him starts at about 23 minutes or begin at 27 minutes where Larry starts himself:
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