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Image Comments posted by markskelly

  1. There's a great mood to this one. I originally thought it was IR! I like the way the beach is so stark white, and the sea so deep black. It brings attention to the wave. The upload is a bit small, though. You should post a higher res version.

    The Tunnel

    Really nice light here. Good metering too. It appears that it just barely fit the dynamic range of your camrea. The highlights held and the shadows have some detail. Must have been a really bright day. Very dimensional too. good shot.



    Another in an ongoing series of candid street portraits from Times Square. All

    of these are taken under existing light with only slight curves/hue/sat

    tweaking. Ratings/comments on this picture, any of the others in the folder, as

    well as the series as a whole greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark.


    Thanks for the comments! Yeah these are very tough. It's dark, the subjects are moving toward me rapidly, I'm zoomed in-handheld, ISO 800, lens wide open, and hopefully a fast enough shutter to stop any blur. Maybe it all comes together, maybe it doesn't. On this one, however, I don't really mind the soft look of it.

    Tea Plantation

    Great color and shapes also. I really like the variation in the shape of the land. I'd like to see more of the misty trees in the background. Perhaps a play between the crisp bright green in the foreground, and the muted soft green in the background. Overall, great shot.


    Well balanced. Nice tonal range. Waterfall shots are common, but this has a lot more to it than a mere objective representation, it's almost an abstract. Nice shooting.
  2. Really like the composition. The person in lower left creates dimension and scale, also gives my eye some direction to go after looking at the structure on right. I would like to see a bit more detail in the dark underside of the roof. Overall, very nice.



    Thanks for the comments! I agree that the eye areas are looking a bit dark in a lot of these, and that the streetlights are sometimes in odd spots. I'm sticking to the philosophy of candid, unaltered shots without any additional light. I'm still working out the details of the best places for me to stand. I just might be able to address these and other things, simply with a better usage of the existing light at the locations themselves. Tune in at a later date if you're curious about how things have worked out.




    This is one from an ongoing series of street portraitures that I'm working on.

    It's a combination of finding the right light, and then waiting for interesting

    people to walk through the space. Any ratings/comments appreciated.

    Thanks, Mark.

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