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Image Comments posted by carl_crosby3

  1. It did! the background fooled your meter a little, underexposing the faces, and cropping the left side and the top would eliminate distracting, non-contributing areas. Nice, Now go take some more pictures.


    The lighting is fine. You added the book as a reflector, to fill in the shadows under the chin and the eyes, didn't you? Nice portrait of a cute girl. The eyes are in focus, and there are catchlights.
  2. Move closer, take the light reading from the face, then lock it . Your might move your friend into the shade, so the contrast does not exceed the ability of the camera to record it.
  3. A great people photo, but the faces are not properly exposed. There is a wealth of character and dignity in the face of Nana, and the boy is handsome, but the blown out highlight of the dress as well as the red flowers detract from that.


    Be NICE, and I'll only bite you a little bit! Clever, but a little fill would have added catchlights the eyes, although unless you were friends, I don't expect you were thinking about catchlights right then.

    Pit Lane Hazards!

    Not an action shot as such, but dramatic, nevertheless. The smoke adds to the mood, and your photo is technically excellent. The frantic activity is understood from the photo.
  4. Gerard: Let me try this, altho I was called a complete idiot by another photographer earlier today. What you attempted is readily discernible,and clever. I like this done in Black and White, but I would suggest moving the two figures closer together. The looooong space between them leads to confusion--the whole can't be taken in at one glance.

    Niagara Falls

    Lou Ann: My take on the whole thing is quite different. A good documentary of the falls, and the balloon adds to the whole. I thought the softness might be because of scanning or some such, but overall, it doesn't detract from the mood. More exposure in the shadows might help, but... Fool around with your camera, try different things, never take only one photo, unless the thing moves, compare results, and use what you like best. Above all, take more pictures. Have fun with this magical pastime.


    Technically, a very good photo. The pose and exposure are well-executed. One tiny nit, however. Why is it that some contemporary photographers wish to protray their subjects, especially attractive ones, as somber? I had a roomie in college that was an artist--still is--quite successful,too, and he did that. Never anything but somber expressions. Most people feel attractive people look better if they smile.
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