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Niagara Falls


OLD Camera ... "inherited" from my grandfather in 1972, and it was old even then. It's not an SLR, but it's not point and shoot, either (manual focus).

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I hope this doesn't discourage you too much, but I see lots to improve on here. Most importantly to me, the focus seems soft, there isn't any detail in the shadow areas, the large amount of sky is distracting, and there is a lack of any elements that draw you into the picture. Compositionally, this doesn't tell any kind of story or provide any kind of interesting perspective. Something about Niagara Falls moved you enough to take a picture of it, so try to think of what it was specifically and then think of ways to convey it on film. Was it the grandness of scale? Maybe you'd try a sweeping perspective from alongside the falls with a lot of DOF. Was it the sense of power given by the volume of water flowing over the falls? Maybe try to feature the rock splash up close with a zoom and a fast shutter speed. It's really up to you, but as it stands, this is a flat "drivers license photo" style perspective that doesn't convey much other than what Niagara Falls looks like on an overcast day from this vantage point.
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Not at all discouraged! Looking to learn! Every one of your comments is welcome. I know that I won't change the film or add a filter for a few rolls. I truly want to concentrate on composition, and you gave me several thoughts about composition. Thank you!
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Lou Ann: My take on the whole thing is quite different. A good documentary of the falls, and the balloon adds to the whole. I thought the softness might be because of scanning or some such, but overall, it doesn't detract from the mood. More exposure in the shadows might help, but... Fool around with your camera, try different things, never take only one photo, unless the thing moves, compare results, and use what you like best. Above all, take more pictures. Have fun with this magical pastime.
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I have driven all the way to Niagara Falls three times over the years and every time I get an overcast and even misty to lightly rainy day. One time was in the Fall and the colors were beautiful; but cutting through the thick moisture in the atmosphere softened the images and tended to flatten them, such as was mentioned above with the "driver's license" comment. A good side lighting (on a non-overcast day) woud give depth and more shape to the falls. The idea of shooting from the side is good. I had success with that. And I even leaned way over the edge of the falls on Goat Island and shot down toward the bottom with surprising effect. And I TOTALLY agree that there is far too much sky and it wreaks havoc on the very important compositional "Rule of Thirds". Cropping the sky just barely above the balloon would eradicate the sky problem, but would leave the falls doing the same: cutting through the center. But this would be far more acceptible. And along the same lines, a bit more image to the left might be some improvement, even if only a very little amount.


You might try zooming in a bit, not only to enlarge the falls, but that could easily enough diminish the amount of sky as well as giving more detail on this, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


One last comment, considering the amouht of light you had; you chose a pleasing shutter s peed: fast enoght to nearly stop the falling water and yet show the softness of the mist...which is curious because the mist is not moving nearly as quickly as the tumulting water. Perhaps if you use the sharpen button you could improve the softness a bit.


Opinions are like hair-dos. Everbody has one and what works for one would look horrible on another. "There is safety in the council of many." So listen and then go with your impulses...if you think they're good. You'll learn as much by your 2nd class images as you will reading critiques of other's work. The work you think well of today will exit your photo album as you improve.


Best regards and many years of fulfillmint to you,


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