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Image Comments posted by carl_crosby3


    Unsharp, and the face is too shaded, hiding what might be an interesting person. The eyes need to be visible and in focus, or the impact and character are lost. If the gentleman is still available, try again, using softer light.


    Cropping the left side of the picture severely would improve the image by eliminating non-essential and distracting elements. A little more exposure for the subject would also help.

    In the distance

    Helesti: Good effort, and it would be improved if the animal were whole. Rule #2: Check the feet. If you don't, 77% of the time, they will be cut off. (Don't ask me how I know this!) A smidge more exposure would separate the leopard from the background.

    Green Spider (2)

    The eyes are sharp, and it looks as if it might be an interesting, maybe a great photo, if you could see what was behind those eyes. Photo=light, Graphos=writing Sooo, we write with Light! If there is no light there is no image. LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT! It's cheap, use more. Max. f/stop, 11-22 for depth of field, camera parallel to subject, and jusiciously used flash/daylight/reflector.Stop all motion. Now, go take some more pictures.

    Protest !

    Good journalistic effort. It raises the question: What does that dude think he is going do, against the Gendarmerie? Is this the last great act of defiance? I bet the next few moments were very interesting.

    Boy in Havana

    Is it my monitor, or is the photo printed so dark there is no detail? But for that slight error, it might be a really interesting picture. Too bad we'll never know. Light is all we have to work with. It is cheap, use enough.


    Great shot, it successfully breaks the rule of being on the same level as the subject. Cute little puppy. It could have used a smidge more exposure to bring out the texture in the face, but it may just be my monitor. You did good!


    The pose seem s a bit awkward, it doesn't flow, or complement the form of the subject. Sort of reminiscent of Han Solo being trapped in the block of carbonite. (Star Wars)
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