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Image Comments posted by rp3o

  1. Well, it does look fake (i.e., photoshop'd), and I generally don't like photos that have been PS'd to this degree. However, I can't take my eyes off this one, and it's simply gorgeous! NYC is my favorite city, and this photo does immense justice to it! I guess it looks like a poster - perhaps the city government could use it in an ad campaign! Thank you for this view of NYC!
  2. This picture really draws you into each building. I wish the size of the photo could be larger, or alternately, a zoomed in version, with just a bit of sky at the top; thus we could admire the buildings even more! Great shot - I really want to go there now!



    I've so far gotten 6's and 3's as ratings for this photo - I'm

    interested to find out from all of you about what this picture evokes

    in you...comments?


    Yes, the colors have been saturated. To me, professional sports are extra-real; there is a bit of a cartoon strip quality to them (you have heroes and you have villains, depending on which team you root for). The bright colors often used by teams (the Mets' and Orioles' orange jerseys this spring, for example) only add to this notion. I therefore saturated the colors, to get that type of feel. All comments appreciated - thank you!
  3. The C Train has a window on the front end; I had my camera pressed against the window, and was experimenting with 2 - 8 second exposures, depending on whether I was in a station or in a subway tunnel. No tripod was used; to stabilize the camera, I had it pressed hard against the window. Since the train was slowing down at this station, it wasn't shaking side-to-side too much. Thanks for all the comments!


    I'm not too keen on the blurriness of this photo, and by overexposing many of the leaves, I feel you've lost some of the color that could have been captured. I like your idea of emphasizing the strong, dark tree trunks with the ephemeral leaves floating above...just wish it was better executed. Hope you appreciate the feedback!
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