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Image Comments posted by rp3o

  1. This is a shot of the Eiffel Tower's elevator shaft; the horizontal

    lines in the bottom third were scratches on our elevator window.

    This photo reminds me of The Police album "Ghost in the Machine."




    When I saw this wonderful lighthouse off the Cabot Trail on Cape

    Breton Island, Nova Scotia, I couldn't help but thinking of creating

    a basic study of colors...comments?

  2. What a beauty! The colors are amazing! I would have rated this better than a "8" in aesthetics, but I find the foreground darkness to be overabundant. I would have preferred the photo cropped at the bottom, to produce more "standard" dimensions. This would also bring the horizon to the bottom third line in the photo, which would suit this photo well. You captured a fine moment - you must have woken up really early!
  3. I love the idea of this girl running through the museum, not giving a damn about where she is...you captured her carefree expression very well, and it resonates well with the coldness of the geometric patterns around her.

    Last Stop...

    Bill, I was gathering up my luggage (incl. my camera!), and she was gathering up her wings...I told her I was an amateur photographer, and she agreed to pose; turns out, she's a model, and was returning from a shoot!


    I love the colors in this picture...though I agree that the photo may have more impact if the birds were off-center. I personally would prefer the birds to be in the left side of the photo (i.e., cropping the photo to off-center them). Did you use photoshop to hypersaturate the picture?
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