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Image Comments posted by arnabdas

  1. You could have closed in further and captured the bee in more detail, with pollen grains all over it's body. A very original photo and wonderful opportunity for a bee macro

    Another Pink rose


    The lighting is very nice. What light source did you use? I The highlights are just a wee bit burned out.


    The blossoms (?) on the right are distracting though.

    Nature's Artwork

    The black background does not work too well for me. Apart from that, this is a beautiful capture. Would be even better if shot from further down and more towards the creature's head.

    Three of a kind

    The color of subject(s), details and composition are just about spot on. However, the black/dark background does not look particulary appealing on butterflies, which are essentially day-flying creatures.



    The foreground bushes could have been excluded, a bigger image would be better. Distant buildings kind of intrude into the scene. That said, this is a good landscape.




    Terrific. Brilliant composition, and the background blur is exactly of the kind I like most.


    Would perhaps have liked a but more pop on the butterfly (fill-flash) but that could wash out highlights on the flower.


    Very well done --

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