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Image Comments posted by arnabdas

    Pigeon Love II

    I like the texture in the background and the soft shadows. A bit too centered (try an off-center and tighter crop) and lose a bit of the foregound. Nicely done still.



    You seem to have shot this from a little higher than her eye-level. Shot from a little lower and a bit more texture on the hair -- this would be a killer portrait!


    As ever -- stunning "ease" and natural look. Your models sure make your job easy, Richard.



    Unfortunately I think this photo is poorly executed.


    What is your main subject of interest -- the pair of flowers or the insect? If you wanted to concentrate on the flowers (with the insect), they should have been more in focus and not truncated.



    If it were it be the insect, it should have been assigned due prominence by way of higher magnification. This photo does not work for me.

    Eyes of Heaven


    I like it a lot. Obviously -- apart from the colored eyes.


    Your photographs have an air of innocence and a strangely natural, uninhibited look that I particularly find very appealing. Not sure if I made sense here ...

  1. The composition is a bit too tight. If you backed away a little bit the photo would be even better.


    Nice shot nevertheless. You have captured a natural expression quite beautifully.


    In general, I like your portrait work quite a bit.

    NYC Subway


    This is all very good but any new chix photos? Please pardon if I sound lewd ;)


    Whenever I see you post something new (you in my favorites) I run to see what you posted ...


    I would love it if the hair was not truncated. This is a brilliant, brilliant photo Richard. Aptly titled. Very nice lighting. This is one of those portraits that do not need eye contact with the viewer to have an impact. Very well done.
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