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Image Comments posted by phule

    Suspended in time


    Personally, I would have moved forward and laid down on top of the rocks, shooting through the spaces in the brush and avoided having them in the frame. The extreme exposure on the rocks is pretty distracting. I tried playing around with cropping in photoshop but found it difficult to eliminate (with only cropping) the distraction and keeping the focus of the photo. Here's one attempt w/ a simple crop...



    Outside of Vegas there is so much more to photograph. The Lake Mead Recreation Area, Red Rock Canyon, Mt. Charleston are just three places I visited while there. The Strip is decent for photography (especially for candids) but leave Las Vegas for some truly amazing stuff :)

    Stones #2

    I think if a photograph is chosen as Photograph of the Week, the owner should be allowed to upload a larger version that goes beyond current photo.net policies. I find myself craving the details in this photo and one just can not get it with its current size.
  1. Don't you love those drive-by ratings? I got a whole folder of 3's the other day...by someone that apparently uses photo.net /just/ to rate photos w/o commenting...


    Not that those photos are award winning or anything but someone tell me what's wrong with 'em :)

  2. I wouldn't consider the Rebel 2000 "cheap and nasty." It's got quite a number of good features for an intro SLR camera.


    As it stands, the best camera in the world can't compose a good photograph.


    I agree that the gray space is a loss. Aiming down a bit to get more of the ducks back would help fill in the area, as would a smaller appature to bring out some of the detail (while keeping it out of focus) of the background.

  3. I'm a little distracted by the rocks in the lower and upper-left of the frame. I keep wanting to turn my head and see what's over there. I think a more delicate balance could be found with just the solitary "rock" and birds with the water around it.


    I think her stance is really what gets me in this photo. Her hesitation of the height is not as intense as a hesitation from the shere size of it all. Though this is of a friend of mine I didn't ask her to pose, she simply had run ahead and I was lagging behind :)

    Condemned Man


    I'm not sure why this is, but presentation of photos on photo.net always cause problems for me. Why such a huge border on this image? what's the point? Doesn't it violate the image rules in place?


    I'm going to get nailed for this meta-discussion but oh well. I've seen far too many 1200x1200+ pixel uploads in the past month(s) to let this go.

    Dancing Girl


    Just as I was about to comment on Marc's absurd and over-the-top reply on lawsuits and drugged out kids it get's deleted. Oh well.


    As for the photograph. I think it captures well the feeling of being alone with ones self in a crowd without being in-your-face literal. The woman is clearly lost in thought and music without caring for her surroundings. The grain adds, for me, a more "raw" feel to it, but I'd be interested to see a more "clean" version as well.

  4. I tried to use my browsers scroll bars to crop different parts of the scene and I could not come up with a better composition. This is a wonderful photograph; almost haunting in my mind...a sense of foreboding from the clouds with the green just enough warmth to lull the viewer back.

    Two Athletes


    As more of a technical comment to your posting, it's a bit on the large side. It's hard to judge a photo if one can't see the whole thing on their screen.


    The thumbnail I saw on the main page really did catch my eye though.

    Green orgy


    As your critique title asked ("Would you hang it on your wall?") I would have to say no.


    1. It looks wet! :)

    2. More seriously, the dark hulking shape in the lower left detracts, and I think you do lose something by the shorter DOF. Maybe a long DOF would make the scene cluttered but I think the flowers should be in focus. Or maybe just "more" in focus?


    To me it appears as if I'm trapped somehwere. I feel uneasy. I don't want to make my guests feel uneasy, I want them to feel welcome :)



    Dean Granros,


    I just found that image a couple months ago. What a great shot! Thank you for reminding me of it.


    Also, Paal, I'm glad to see you weighed in with your comments. Congrats again on an excellent shot.

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