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Image Comments posted by phule

  1. Wow, there's a lot going on here :)


    I'm not certain, but would the right side of the photo be better if the second man wasn't there? To me the focus of the photo is surrounded by the feast behind the subjects on the left. If he wasn't there, would we see the feast travel off into infinity?



    Then again, the man on the right does add something...I'm just not sure what it is.


    Interesting photo none the less. :)


    I would say there's probably a contrast issue with your scan. The colors seem really muted. I would recommend taking it into Photoshop and playing with the levels a bit to bring out the colors.

    Ernie Els

    I'm not really a fan of the motion in his arms and the club. It just looks out of place to me at it's current level. Either more motion or dead-stop. Though, I can see that with more motion, he'd probably be a bit blurry too.

    Daisy in the car.

    The pink thing coming out of the ear is pretty distracting. I'm not certain the foreground element (noes) needs to be in focus all the time. For this subject, I don't think it works that well given how much of the dogs face is shaped by what is now out of focus.



    The bottom of the glass/vase is missing and the top is difficult to see.


    I agree with the extra branch/stalk bit. It's distracting.


    I disagree with the DOF. I think more would be better. Not sure how much more though :)

  2. Far too large of an upload. The border is maddening and it makes the presentation of the photo poor.


    I agree with the previous poster that the CA should be fixed in a photo editing program.

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