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Image Comments posted by phule

  1. As far as fireworks go, it is a firework. But not much more. Now I'm not saying that mine are any better (far from it) but I find that without anything else in the frame these shots can be a little boring.


    In this case though, the trees are not enough in the frame and they're distracting. Cropping them out would help isolate the subject, but then you're left with...?


    Sort of a tough call I guess. I think you do have some better fireworks shots in your folder.

    July 4 2004




    The exposure was 6 seconds at ISO 50 and the aperture was f/3.5. It was shot on a tripod. I use a Bogen 3001 tripod with a Bogen 3262 Quick-Release ballhead.

  2. I'm with Mauricio. The first thing I thought was "too bad there are not more water lillies." It would be (might be?) an intresting counter-point to the vertical forms of the trees.

    'Lake Reflection 1'


    The hint of grasses at the bottom of the image begs for more information. :) I think I would have liked the composistion more if you had aimed down and included more foreground elements and less sky.


    Of course, it could be that whatever is below the camera is something horrible and you're protecting your viewers from seeing it! :)

  3. I see two forms but I'm sure more will show up as I continue to study the photo. The most obvious, to me at least, is (as Thomas pointed out) the chicken head and beak. Just below that I see the form of a man bent slightly forward.
  4. I think placing the focus on the right-most eye (the childs' left) is what does it for me. If it were in the left-most eye (the childs' right) the impact would be lost. As the viewer, I have to move across the whole image before finding what is "in focus" therefore I see more of the image than if the other eye were in focus. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone else but me :)
  5. A fun shot from a visit to Miami. A number have people have said this shot would be better if everything were in focus.


    I'm not so sure though. It would seem to me that if everything were in focus, the arm would be lost; it wouldn't be able to stand out as much if the trees and parking lot were sharp. Maybe I'm off my rocker though...not sure.

  6. The blue propane canisters are distracting. Perhaps standing a little lower and shooting upwards could have helped? Or at the very least, waiting for the woman to move? Just some ideas.
  7. Great progress! I'm inspired to try my hand at macro photography again :)


    Did you do any post-processing to the image? I'm wondering if you have or could apply a Unsharp-Mask to pull out a little more detail?



    Another from my series of photos from Red Rock Canyon outside of Las

    Vegas. It was my intent to capture the subject being dwarfed by the

    size of the canyon in a less-literal way than showing the /entire/

    area. She had run ahead and I was lagging behind when I took this

    photo. I'm trying to improve my photography, please tell me how the

    photo could be improved. Thank you.

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