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Everything posted by phule

  1. <center><img src="https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2911/14452728724_f73509d7b3_o.jpg" alt="" /></center><center>350D, 18-55mm IS</center>
  2. <p>Here's a link:<br> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Sony+Curved+Sensor</p>
  3. <p>[[i have a Canon A80, my first digital camera. It started acting up early this year after 10 years and about 8600 shots. The symptom is some sort of vertical smearing, yet already recorded pictures on the memory card look OK on the LCD. The problem is presumably on the sensor side of things, it could be electronic, it could be mechanical, a slipped cable connector or such]]</p> <p>Dave,<br /> The issue with your A80 is related to a bad production run of Sony sensors. Canon was offering a free fix (replacement of the sensor), but the program ended. Details here: <br /> http://www.imaging-resource.com/badccds.html</p>
  4. I joke about the lens mount but yes, this is amazing stuff. I hope we can get better, faster, more compact lenses. Maybe a digital Olympus Stylus Epic!
  5. <p>Fares,<br> Congratulations on the new camera. You will certainly be able to learn a lot about photography with it. In your first photo upload, I noticed that you picked f/22 as an aperture in Manual mode. That gave you a shutter speed of only 1/50th of a second. It appears as though you might have shaken the camera slightly during the exposure resulting in a slightly blurry image. Next time, try for an aperture of f/8 which will let you pick a faster shutter speed. Keep practicing and learning! </p>
  6. <p>[[i'm not sure it will require a new mount as long as they keep the dimensions and positioning of the sensor pretty much the same.]]</p> <p>They will find a way! :) </p>
  7. <p>I'm not sure if it's a project yet, but I've been using Chicago's new-ish bike share program (called Divvy; part of the Alta Bike Share group which runs, NYC, London, Boston, Minneapolis, etc...) to get out-and-about during lunch. Not only am I visiting and photographing in areas I wouldn't normally have an opportunity to get to during lunch, but I'm also photographing each of the bike stations I use in B&W. There's potential here for, perhaps, showing the sameness (shape, tones, arrangement) of the bikes against the diversity of the surroundings/neighborhoods. Not certain it's going to pan out photographically, but it's been great exercise.</p>
  8. <p>[[i am looking at a Canon 70D that comes with a 28mm-135mm lens.]]</p> <p>28-135mm is not a great focal length for a new DSLR owner. The 18-135 or even just the 18-55 would be better choices. If you're intent on buying three lenses:<br> 10-18mm STM ($300)<br> 18-55mm STM (should come with the camera)<br> 55-250mm STM (might find as a part of a double-lens kit with the camera, otherwise, ~$300)</p>
  9. Siegfried, You're not thinking like Sony. This represents a golden opportunity to sell an entirely new lens line with a new mount. ;)
  10. <center><img src="https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3860/14216451608_137598d83d_z.jpg" alt="" /></center><center>350D, 40mm f/2.8 STM @ f/2.8</center>
  11. <p>There is no reason for you to spend any more money than you can afford. If you can afford a 600D then buy a 600D. People enjoy photography with far less every single day.</p>
  12. <center><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/139/391451385_b01952fa1d_z.jpg?zz=1"></center>
  13. phule


    <center><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/16/20519713_4a50476576_o.jpg"></center>
  14. <p>What program are you using to download your photos from the card to your computer?<br> There is nothing "in DPP." DPP simply looks at a folder and gives you thumbnails of image files in that folder. If you are downloading images from the card to that folder, DPP will obviously not show you any photos until the images have been downloaded. </p> <p>If you're not using Zoombrowser, then just uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs. </p>
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