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Image Comments posted by afs760bf

  1. I think you did the selection and colorizing pretty well.



    What I'd like to be able to do is take a mundane-looking sky and create one of those wonderful serrated multi-color masterpieces from it. I've seen the before and after, and know it can be done, I just have no clue how to do it. Might be worth the CS3 price if I could do that. Right now, I use Paint Shop Pro, which is OK for a hacker like myself.

    Happy Birthday


    Hi, Lou Ann,


    Actually, it was a birthday for one of the ladies at the church and, since I was the one who picked up the cake, I got the privilege of taking a few shots of the decorations.



    Just Us


    Hi. Len, and thanks for stopping by.


    My problem with taking portraits of myself is that I have deep eye sockets, so I have to concentrate on keeping my head up a little or I look evil. You are right about the leaning in, of course, and we shot this several different ways. This just happened (IMO) to be the best of this particular bunch, which may not be saying a whole lot.


    Thanks again,


  2. This is the Fort Reno cemetery just outside El Reno, Oklahoma. It

    was active from about the 1840's until the 1940's. Established in

    Indian Territory, some of the West's heroes and by-standers are

    buried here. Comments welcome, as always.

  3. Hi, Lou Ann,


    From what I see on the news, if you go and take this same shot today, things might look a little different. You could do "Buffalo City Hall in White," perhaps. It's been cold here, and a bit of snow to the West of us, but no snow here yet. Maybe for Christmas.



    The Last One


    Hi, Pnina. Hope all is well with you. I don't spend much time here these days, but thought I'd see if this got any interest.


    Thanks for your note.


    Peace for the Holidays.

  4. Hi, Lou Ann,


    I really like this shot, and I like it straight-on because it keeps the lines vertical. Now who would decide to abandon a train in this particular place? I'm always curious as to how the decisions were made that made certain motorized pieces of equipment end up in certain places, never to be moved again.


    Anyway, a great shot and nice color.



  5. Hi, Lou Ann,


    Well, I just got back this way and saw your update. So you are now back in good ole NY, eh? That must have been another great road trip.


    This is a nice photo. Here in Oklahoma, we have the same situation, except that the whole state is turning into one giant casino because the Native Americans are building them on their land. So the Indians are the richest people in the state, except maybe for the ones who are really running the casinos.


    Anyway, glad to know where you are, and will try to drop by from time to time. Good thought-provoking photos.



  6. Hi, Lou Ann:


    A nice profile portrait. I don't know if he's thinking or asleep. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference - in animals and humans. I like the shot.


    By the way, you should update your biography and let everyone know where you are now. It still says you live in DC. By the way, I'm going there the first week of November.


    Cheers - and stay warm.



    Well, it certainly looks punchier, and I don't have a problem with it. It may look better to most people. On my 21" LCD monitor, it looks a little over-cooked. I think we get so used to looking at over-saturated photos in this digital age, that we forget what the scene really looks like sometimes. I'm not sure I have discovered the magic line between "making it look better" and "making it look fake" yet.


    From a realism standpoint, the chaps in your version are way too orange, as is the dead grass on the side of the road. One problem I had, of course, was that it was raining (by the way, the K10D handled the rain well, just like its supposed to) so the exposure was affected by the sky being white instead of bluish.


    I like your version, too.



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