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Image Comments posted by jay_dixon


    I like the composition. The mood of the image is also excellent. The tonal range seems compressed or somehow a little flat. Some of your images strike me with outstanding contrast and tone, others have this flat feel. I do think the diagonal of the water was a nice touch.

    Puddle N Stuff

    Terrific modern art. If this was captured in camera as a whole, I am very impressed. Under-appreciated. If this was done by one of the photographer's on this site that get a lot of attention, it would have a dramatically higher rating........


    I would agree that the image would improve dramatically by cropping right up on the girl. The background competes far too much, with its tone and style.


    I would have submitted this over Fam for a critique request. This one has some interesting dynamic going on. Nice balance and a great feel in the kids. This is definetly a better shot than what it has been rated. J.


    Adam is correct. She is horizontal, but I found an angle and composition that gives the illusion that she is dangling. This is an unaltered scan from slide and I obviously was not paying attention to detail with the rock above her head. I was actually just excited as it was such an interesting perspective. I should have explored the concept more than I did, and may revisit it to create something different in the future. Thanks for the critques. J.



    I find some of the technical merits hard to evaluate, simply because the upload is severly

    pixelated, particularly around the nose. I do find the originality score exceptionally high

    for this type of image, and maybe that is just a result of a basic misunderstanding I might

    have on how to quantify such a thing. Is this an original image? Does it have original

    elements? Does the combination of elements create something exceptionally original? I

    guess that is something for each individual to determine. I find that there are literally

    thousands of uploads to this site that get remarkably lower marks for originality, that in

    my estimation show a much higher degree of originality in so many ways. There are

    technical flaws in the image, nothing Earth shattering, but they still exist, as they do in

    almost every image. The question is, does this stand out from the crowd of images, or

    even those in its own genre? Obviously it must to some, I am not of that group. J.

    Dancer - next shot

    Excellent composition and use of space. It almost looks like a painted with light image, but I somehow think it is something else. I'd love to know how you lit this, as this is one of those pieces of art that I find too little of here on the net. Absolutely beautiful.......If you are inclined to teach I am here. jay@jaydixon.com


    The image was taken under a partially fallen cement bridge where the light had a variety of interesting properties. I was able to get widely varying images within just a few feet from each other. I cheated here and used a black cloth to create a non-distracting background. J.


    The film was rated at 400 and was shot with a fixed 300mm from a balcony. The width is just about the length of the negative. The bottom could have been better. This actually occurred for just a couple of seconds.
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