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Image Comments posted by wcroninger


    Max, a very nice image. I am not bothered by the dock being directly in the middle, one of the strengths here is symmetry. The boat and weeds in forground break the symmetry enough that I feel you have a very pleasing image. My only criticism is that the sky "bleeds" off the page, particularly in the top right hand corner. I tried the photo first with a narrow black border, then with a PS drop background. Either seems to bring out the scene to a greater extent. JMHO. Nice job!


    Shibaji, I like this one the best of the three I think. I particularly like the way you have captured the enjoyment of the two dancers in front.
  1. Roie, I will certainly agree with David relative his comments on the number of responses pictures of pretty girls vs pretty naked girls generate! I do, however, feel this one comes up on the outstanding level. It is very nicely composed and presented. The technical aspects: focus, exposure etc. are spot on. That does not make it outstanding, agreed. What I do appreciate is the handling of the subject. I think the viewer initially reacts to how well all the above elements work together. At some point you get around to her beauty but you have not let it overpower the image. Looking at much of the figure work on photo.net this is an exception and worthy of praise. Nicely done.
  2. Salem, the lower ratings this image has received are a good example of why I've stopped rating any images at photo.net.


    You have done a nice job here. The pose is relaxed and very natural, not at all contrived. Nothing in the foreground or background competes with the young lady other than what I'll mention later.


    Critical thoughts? I think many people prefer to have the person look out at the camera but in this one I think her side gaze adds to the "naturalness" of the image. The highlight in the hair is a nice touch but comes up on being blocked out. Different viewers may have comments on the highlights on forehead, nose and chin but I think overall they are small enough not to detract. The object in her hand, possibly a coat, is blocked and pulls your attention from her face. A natural portrait of a natural beauty. Well done.


    Lighting and composition are very nicely done. The negative space seem to draw attention to the model's beauty even more than a "traditional" placment of subject.

    Peaceful Slumber


    Kai, I like the photo very much...very calming. Only suggestion might be to crop a bit tighter from the right. I tried looking at the picture cropped just at the wrinkles in her shirt and it seems more striking there. IMHO



    the Look

    Makanes, I think this is an honest and beautiful portrait of this individual. The scan seems to be alittle unsharp but the look and lighting is very nicely done.


    Nice work Mark...the lighting and pose is excellent. I rather think I would have rated higher w/o the moon. Not sure why but I think the image can stand on its own. Very nicely done regardless!
  3. Marcus...very well done. I generally do not care for women and weapons prints but Marie looks completely comfortable with the blade! A great job on both your parts with pose and lighting. Definitely an image to be proud of and worthy of hanging on a wall!!
  4. Christopher, well I love any image of WWII aircraft. Your exposure and the angle of the aircraft look good. The only suggestion I might add is to try a slower shutter speed and pan the shot. With the props frozen it is hard to decide if this is a real aircraft or a model. If you can get some motion blur in the props while maintaining sharpness of the aircraft I think you would have a stronger shot...now if you could only get shots inside the craft!!
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