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Image Comments posted by wcroninger

    Looking at Grate

    This is the first one that caught my eye when I arrived on the critique page. You are drawn to the grate by her gaze and immediately wonder what's "down there." Nice job of catching her curiousity.
  1. Here is a fine example of great photography. The colors are wonderful, the framing excellent. I was particularly drawn by how the boats painter pulls you from the left side of the picture to the boat. I'd be proud to have my name on a picture like this.
  2. Holly a good first effort I think. You carried the shadows well into her hair on the right side. The left looks somewhat overexposed but that could be in the scanning. Nice example of what you can do with a minimum of equipment. How about one with just window and reflector?


    Love the way the tonality of the railing pulls the eye into the picture. When I first logged on to the critique page this was the first image I was aware of and the railing immediately caught my eye. Nice work
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