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Image Comments posted by wcroninger



    Mario, I like this portrait very much. If you could remove the dust spot near center left and darken the background even more I think it would be even better!!


    Well done


    I like the way the angles formed by arms and legs seem to keep you centered on her. The shot has a "spontaneous" feel to it yet all the elements are where they belong.


    Tabitha, one of the consistent elements in your work is the lighting so I'm not certain how you would go more natural. You seem to have a sense for how to position yourself with respect to the light in order to produce effective images.

    Muscle (nude)


    I agree with Matthew, this is a well done photo. You hold the detail very well in hair and just come up on being too light across shoulders. The musculature is interesting as the most superficial muscle in this area is the trapezeus which runs from the base of the skull to the outer edge of the shoulders then to the spine. I'm assuming that this is what we are seeing but have not seen them show this way. Additional definition, as Matthew suggested, along edges of the shoulder blades and ribs would help. As for the overall tones I think you are in pretty good shape. All and all a nice first effort I'd say!


    P.S. Resisting movement will always make a muscle group stand out. However, try having her bring her arms up from the sides, as in making a "snow angel." You will see that parts of the scapula and the trapezius stand out nicely as the arms move above horizontal.


    Alexandra, actually I did not notice the hand initially. I would probably crop without it as it does distract once noticed. Other than that a delightful and well executed portrait.


    Mehmed, quite a shot. The angle and depth of field really make this critter feel imposing. Don't know what else to say, I find myself just looking at the incredible detail you captured. I hope they don't produce this guy in a human sized model any time soon! ;-)


    I'd agree with Mike's comment. You do a wonderful job of reminding us that you can have fun taking portraits and still produce quality images.


    Diane, well not sure what the "Gap" look is, guess I'll have to ask my daughter. ;-) However, this is a very well done shot of a young woman. I like the lighting and pose. The expression reminds me of the one I see in many of my daughter's images. Nice work!

    Alex. Portrait 2

    David, I think your point well taken on your first Alex submission. Whether "we" like it or not, at the end of the day it really is how you and she feels that counts. You can take a picture that "perfectly" captures someone you know. Not knowing, we fail to see the the perfection in the image. Some very fine photos in your portfolio.


    Interesting to see the way the ratings run over such a wide range. I find this to be a very well done portrait. The pose, lighting and "atmosphere" you create in this portrait makes it one of the stronger ones I've seen. Congratulations


    David, like the first reviewer I'd like to see more face. It looks like the lighting would work well and I think it would be a strong portrait if we could make eye contact with her. Good luck!
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