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Image Comments posted by oliver_indra

    the wake


    This reminds me of the awful hospital scenery from the feature movie "The Jacobs ladder". It´s spooky in a way. Composition and lighting is ok, just I do not like the topside down angle you chose.


    Young Keila


    The pic itself is ok, maybe I would have pushed her a bit further left and reduced the highkey on her face a bit. But you say she loves to be in front of your lens: that´s exactly the mood I am missing in this one! She looks totally neutral. Never mind, I like the greys in that pic, her pose is not a killer but ok.


    Full moon 01


    Sorry to tell you that the moon is exactly the only thing in this pic that was not manipulated at all. Go there http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/m-crat2.html


    to check yourself. But someone like you living in an unstable soliton multiverse and being obviously aware of it should know that anyway 8-) So you want me to chain her there? And that would make it less kitschy?




    Very cool portrait! Love her eyes. Lighting is perfect. Just one thing: did you clean her skin? Maybe a bit too much, it looks artificial almost.


  1. ...for originality for the title! Good composition, even if too much centered for my taste, anyway, it works. Not so sure about the cropping at the bottom, maybe the finger should play a bigger role.

    DOF is problematic also, a little more focus on the grasshopper would have been better, IMHO.


  2. I was not talking about the balance between white and black in that picture, I know it´s taking a compromise to do it. I just missed a mood in it, an accent in the background or something. But after taking a second look I´d say that the face is quite nicely lit, keeping his left side more dark.


    Full moon 01

    I am freaking out on things like astrophysics and stuff but I do not know anything about how to use a telescope, just because I do not have the money to buy one that suits me. As far as I know you can buy adapters for literally all kind of cameras, I just hope I will be able to do it soon. I would be very interested in deep space photography. The moon pic is not mine as you can take from the technical description. Thanx for taking your time to rate and comment!



    Whew, just read your story, hope you become better just tomorrow and will do well in the future. All my best for your way!

    You seem to have an eye for portraits. I like this one very much. Lighting, even if overexposed in parts is very nice, your framing creates a nice form.


    Hope to see more of you!



    Single flower


    Quite ordinary flower shot. Exactly centered main object like as if you wanted to shoot it, cropping seems to be totally random, lighting is flat. The white out-of-focus spots in the back are distracting!


    Sorry, but that´s what it is...



    I love the expression on her face, the lighting and the tight framing. Just the little Nikon product placement is distracting. I think I would have taken it out.


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