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Image Comments posted by oliver_indra

    The Tunnel


    Cool lighting and composition, you just posted it way too small. Posing is nice yet not really natural for where she´s standing. What kind of tunnel? Subway entrance or something?


    Red Tractor

    That´s a very nice one, maybe it would have looked even better if the tractor was standing in front of the white only. Still, the red is popping out of the frame, the pic works!



    This is one of the most outstanding compositions i´ve seen here on photo.net for some days! Great, including lighting and of course tonality.

    Just the bottom line of the frame touching one of the steps is not so nice but it´s a minor detail.


  1. Nice picture but a typical postcard shot, typical at least for greece! You should try to sell it like that!

    I like the colors, just wish that the mill in the foreground could have a bit more light and come out less blue!


    Mrs. Olsen


    No, this one´s perfectly ok, structure and texture in her hair are viewable. I love this shot, it´s very erotic to me. Beautiful lady and good use of light as I am used of your portfolio!




    There is a fine small line between negative feedback (which I would perfectly stand like the one on the nurses pic) and senseless feedback (which I also will not care about anymore).

    Chris, sorry, I perfectly loved your work as I told you already, you are in my "interesting person list", that´s why I check back recently but I do not get you: I am not the only one mentioning this stuff with light on THIS pic and you tell us to think before we write and that your work is not made for an internet audience! BUT THIS IS INTERNET and maybe you should have that in mind when you post! I know that your prints look totally different, as well as mine do. I am in the business also for more than 3 days and just do not understand why you react like a bunch of hornets on slightest "critic" keeping the fact in mind that no one criticed the picture itself!

    So maybe just let´s forget about all this trash and cool down both of us, ok?

    Love and kisses,



    Let´s have an agreement: I´ll stay out of your portfolio because I am fed up with people reacting on my comments/critics by randomly checking my pics leaving marks like "Sorry, but I totally don't get what this one is for."!

    Hey, you know what? You could rate and comment your pics yourself. So all of the above mentioned problems will be gone in a moment!

    Second part of the deal: you stay out of my portfolio! This is not kindergarden!


    Sure, you have the better brand, sure you know better, sure you´re right...





    You are taking our comments too personal I think. In fact I use two monitors, both of them composit rgb ones and both of them matched by all means with EBU generated color bars. Still, this pic is too dark! Maybe not a lot as I adressed before but something like half a f-stop.

    And I don´t think it´s a problem of my monitors. Cheers,


    Billions of flower shots on photo.net and this is yet another one. You should put a little more creativity in doing them! We´ve seen all this already.

    heather w.


    That´s a holiday snapshot and I do not really know why you want critics on those but it shall be:


    Lighting is *+~"&@ for a lot of reasons. Flashed, top right corner, underexposed foreground.

    Composition is %0?#~* because of the angle you chose looking down at the bed, bed centered, random foreground.

    Your " models" so to say are the only glimpse of hope in this pic because they represent the mood of the pic: worn out totally from the hard travel!

    Don´t take me too serious, it´s of course ok to post whatever you want but the critique forum should be a place for non-snapshooters!

    Cheers, hope to see more artistic stuff of you soon.



    Snails, snails, snails! This is becoming snail.net :-)

    Don´t worry, I´ve one myself in my portfolio.

    Nice DOF btw, I like the way it´s right eye is looking at you!

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