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Image Comments posted by oliver_indra



    Well, I guess you inserted the kitschy lens flare yourself and that´s why this pic does not work for me at all. The silver statue is overdone with high-key in the face and your composition is centered too much. What a pity that the main sujet, the red heart, is blinking in frontal reflections! It loses color and therefore attention.


    The race


    Did one like that myself (come to see my animal folder) and have to say that I like the motion blur on the girl. Great composition, I bet on the snail, of course!



    The texture of the man´s face is just outstanding, you can read a hard life out of it. It´s a pity that you centered it so much. Very good use of light, you definitely have an eye for portrait shots, as one can see from your folder. Greetings,



    ... that the weather is fine in Chelyabinsk also like in all over europe at the moment?


    Don´t like this one that much mainly because she´s looking away from the camera. Sorry to tell you but she almost looks like some dead body.





    of course she´s a damn pretty girl! I do not understand the angle you chose looking down at her but maybe you did it to get rid of any distracting background. Still, I hope that you have a shot of her with the camera closer to the ground. Light is beautiful, colors are matching and composition is classic but works. I was laughing about the carpet when I recognized it first but it fits her garment...


    Full moon 01


    Be aware that there are limits even to photoshop. No.1) I am learning this program since PS 3.0, means since 1992 or so.

    No. 2) The real secret is to shoot your basic material in the best way possible. Don´t make the BIG mistake to lean on ps during you are taking shots already. For example this pic: I wrote that I photoshopped it to death. Well, not completely true. The model shot is still quite what it was when it came out the camera, the moon was also not changed a lot. Just the composit was created in ps and of course corrected wherever necessary, like blurring the edges of the frames, bettering up the red of her hair, slight color correcting. But that´s that!

    Without having good original material I would never even try to create any stuff like this. I am a camera operator and I have a lot of coleagues relying completely on post production, a fashion that came up with digital video. They end up disappointed quite often!



    No name


    even with the tight cropping I like that one. Her expression looks like she´s waiting for the next pic, not aware of you shooting already. Very nice one, good use of light and tonality!


    body painting


    This is a very nice portrait. Do you have a color version also? I´d just like to see what the body painting is actually lokking like.

    Brilliant use of light, nice tight composition. She looks like a statue!


  1. I won´t say anything about the lighting there anymore, haha! But don´t get me wrong, I´ve done loads of reportage pics, went home to develope them and just was dissapointed about some "aesthetic failures" also.

    BTW, what did you bring to a double-no-place like Al Quaida training camps? Somebody sent you there or are you just the kind of guy looking for the most exiting hollyday places?





    Nice digital alteration, just a little overdone for me with the tree. IMO the stairs would have been enough. Good idea, though!




    I can´t believe it. Having experience with shooting snails myself this is by far the most brilliant execution I´ve seen. Do not show this to any chaos theoretics, they´re going to die from a heart attack.

    Congratulations for your lighting technique, DOF, composition,...


    Full moon 01


    Thanx everyone for your comments! I myself thought that this one is way beyond, so I am surprised a little bit. Chris, there are no negative comments so far, it IS kitsch, what can I do?


    Thanx again for all your inputs, you make me go to work again!




    Looks like a pantomime. Great framing/composition, exeptional good use of light.

    This is definitely an outstanding portrait!


    Full moon 01


    ...we are all cool. I got your point, of course. I knew that this is going to come, as you can see from all the info above this will be a poster for a special kind of party!

    I´m definitely not the kind of guy that could be hurt by stuff like that! You will not see the moon through all the chains I´m gonna use next time...



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