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cd thacker

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Image Comments posted by cd thacker

  1. I love this. I'm especially fond of the shapes and the colors (but then, it's all shapes and colors, isn't it?) especially as they are reflected in the water; and of the black space at the top. Nice. Very .

    Bondage 3

    I wonder how many guys (including the women) on this site wanted to try bondage but never had the guts? But now that you've broken the ice, you face the really scary part , which is, paraphrasing Cosmo above, to make it authentic. He's right about studying the Japanese bondage - it doesn't get more authentic than that. If you keep it at this level, you'd be better off sticking with what's comfortable and not doing it at all.
  2. I don't understand the caption either. Is it a reference to the moth (like, its name)? An inside joke? Now, as to cropping: if you crop this tighter, as suggested, what do you have? A not very interesting picture of a perfectly pleasant but singularly undistinguished moth. It's the contrast between the moth and the ground and the leaves - and between leaves of similar shape but of varying hues - that makes this picture interesting. I think there is a tendency among photographers to crop like crazy - but in doing so, they often cut away the real picture; and I think that would be the case here.
  3. I like the way the light and the shapes form frames within frames. The detail in the shadows - the cobblestones - adds to the atmosphere. And the man is caught at just the right moment, compositionally, vis a vis the doorway beyond him.

    my stop

    This looks like a still from a film. I love the way you've isolated her by the radical framing and depth of field. She has an interesting face, too.


    Are you familiar with the work of Ralph Gibson? Your stuff - some of it - reminds me of his. Like in this shot, where you take some everyday something and make it interesting via framing and depth of field. Nice job.
  4. I think the composition is dead-on. And it *seems* as though the image would be improved if the head were sharp - but who can say for sure? Would the movement this picture conveys be there, if the head were pin sharp and thus isolated in time? When Cartier-Bresson said, "Focus is a bourgeois concept," do you suppose he was joking? Only joking?


    You can feel her personality here, her joy. This being in what appears to be the bathroom mirror really gives it some context and some immediacy. I'm not sure about the little glimpse of the photographer there; at the least it's distracting - but maybe it, also, adds to the immediacy.


    To take a shot from nature and have it be fresh, and vital, as this one is, is no easy task. Anybody can take a picture of a mountain, or field, or a tree. . . but you made the tree interesting and new. I think it's the shape, or rather, the framing, along with the contrast between the dark trunk and the almost white leaves. Nice.
  5. Really nice. And charming. And interesting. What's even more amazing than the shot - which, by the way, is nothing if not original, not to mention just brimming with mystery - what's more amazing than the image, is that it hasn't been rated higher. (Noemi, I admire your integrity in saying, "I should have accounted for it when taking the shot.")

    holy woman

    The vertical lines, at a slight slant in the background; as well as the combination of colors, the red and the black (and the patch of blue on the right); and also the prosaic setting of a bus interior: these things really set the subject off in a good way here: her age, her noble profile, the white uniform, the gold cross. Even her glasses add a nice touch. This picture makes me want to head for the nearest cafe and watch people go by.


    To me, this really conveys "stray". It has a very urban feel about it, like I imagine Berlin in the 20's was, or New York today. It's amazing how evocative a somewhat blurry picture of a little dog can be. I think the dog's shadow, and that streak of light he seems to be looking at, have a lot to do with it; and also the texture and mottled pattern of the pavement. Certainly one of your strongest images.
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